#ShortOnes XCI #UndergroundRecos

2 min read

Hello there,

Friday the 13th was yesterday… Well… For the superstitious, not a good day, film horror fanatics, what an amazing day/night to see some movies. EhEh. For me… Well, for me was another Friday and tried to enjoy some good music and after that a good book. Anyway… Let me start this cause we are here for the music.

Check my recos…

Band: Anachronism
Title: Meanders
Label: Unorthodox Emanations (Avantgarde Music sublabel)
Release date: 27 January 2023
Country: Switzerland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

To start… Yes, the name of the band fits very well with the band’s music style. They are way far off this time. I explain… Or try, cause I never was a big fan of Technical Death Metal, but sometimes… Yes, Sometimes I like to listen to and try to find more bands playing this kind of music style. And, from what I know about this music style, this band is very, how can I say?!?! Very far from the others. Very Technical indeed and doesn’t sound boring, like the majority of the bands that I know. The tempo changes, the riffs, the solos, the places where the voice is put and the tone, the drums, and the sound production… Everything in my opinion is very well done. I really enjoyed listening to this album. Check them.

Band: Anzillu
Title: Ex Nihilo
Label: M-Theory Audio
Release date: 27 January 2023
Country: Finland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Oh yeahhhhhhhh… Thrash Metaaaaaaaaalllllllll. Oh yeah, baby. And a very good one. Very energetic, very good solos, good vocals, catchy riffs, and typical choirs (love them), the drums set the pace, and headbanging is 100% sure. Yes, that happened to me. Eheh. Thrash Metal has that effect on me. This is a must-have album of Thrash Metal and it is the first album from the band. So what you are waiting for to order it?

Band: Apokatastasis
Title: The Consecratory Secretion
Label: Hessian Firm
Release date: 20 January 2023
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

First impression/listening… Not a big deal…
Second impression/listening… Hmmm… My foot is starting to move…
Third impression/listening… I starting to find interesting mixes…
Fourth impression/listening… The blackened parts mixed with the Death Metal is sounding interesting… Oh wait, some Brutal Death Metal too mixed with a piggy voice (sometimes) and a bit of Slam?
In resume, for me, was not an album that managed to get into my musical taste very well or soon. But after a few listenings, I decided that is an album that needs to be listened to. Cause of that… I’m advising it.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**