#BAZUndergroundUpdates CXXX

3 min read

Another Tuesday, another instalment of The Underground Updates as usual! Our writers Julia Katrin and Tom Osman continue to work hard each week and this week is no different!

So, let’s see what’s out there…

ANGMODNES Now available is the brand-new EP The Weight of Eternity from Angmodnes, and so in celebration of the release, the band has released a kickass music video to the EP title track via Black Lion Records! Check it out over here!

NON SERVIAM Our old friends! Now available right here is Non Serviam´s latest music video to the track Soleil Dans Trou Blanc! Should you like it as much as we did, you should of course head over here as well and place your order for the mini album We Are Nothing But Your Krill!

EVERLASTING SPEW RECORDS Currently running a crazy sale on their website and on Bandcamp, Everlasting Spew Records now offers us 50% off on all their releases from the beginning of EST till the whole of 2021! Apparently, they are moving to a new place and would very much like our help to clear out a bit to make the move easier! Head over here and here to check it out and make sure you do so before October 10th!

CODE Avant-garde black metal group <code> continue to offer up some fine little bits and pieces. This time it’s a three-track set of remixes from their 2015 Lost Signal sessions. Head over to bandcamp to pick them up at name your price.

SA BRUXA Germany’s Dunkelheit Produktionen do a good line in hard to classify occultist music. The latest release, Ritual by Italian artist Guiseppe Novella (under the name Sa Bruxa) is an intriguing, heavily atmospheric album of ritualistic industrial music. You wouldn’t call it metal, but if you’re interested in genuinely creepy soundscapes this is the real deal. There are all sorts of cool special editions available. You can check them all out and listen to the album in full here.

BLUT AUS NORD Lovecraftian Echoes seems like the most fitting of titles for the latest album by French black metal avant-gardists Blut Aus Nord. A wave of monstrous, layered dissonance washes over the listener from the first moments of the album’s opener “Nyarlathotep”. Check out the hallucinogenic weirdness, out now on Debemur Morti Productions here.

ARKÆON The ever-intriguing I, Voidhanger Records have announced another intriguing extreme metal release, this time in the shape of Parasit by Danish black-metal trio ARKÆON. There’s a preview track available to listen to here where you can also pre-order the album (due out on November 18th) on some cool limited edition vinyl.

Having to pay gigantic sums for international postage is a real gear grinder.

While it’s our default setting to link Bandcamp pages in the case of new and pre-releases, we thought it would be helpful to add some online stores that might provide a useful alternative.

So if you see a release you fancy, but it’s being sold in a far off land and you don’t want to fork out on exorbitant shipping, see if any of the links below can remedy the situation.

Dark Essence (Norway) Dark Essence (US)

Deathwish (EU) Deathwish (US)

Direct Merch (Australia)

eOne Heavy (EU) eOne Heavy (UK) eOne Heavy (US)

Ipecac (EU) Ipecac (US)

Metal Odyssey (EU) Metal Odyssey (US)

Napalm Records (Germany)

Prophecy Productions (Germany) Prophecy Productions (US)

Rough Trade (UK) Rough Trade (US)

Season of Mist (EU) Season of Mist (US)

Southern Lord (EU) Southern Lord (US)

Throne Records (World)

Transcending Obscurity (EU) Transcending Obscurity (US)

Once again it is another week filled with exciting releases, merch and entertainment made available to us to help these gloomy days go by! Make sure you take advantage of it all, especially in celebration of October being upon us!

By Julia Katrin and Tom Osman

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.**