#ShortOnes LXXVIII #UndergroundRecos

3 min read

Hello there,

The first Saturday of October. Yes, this year is passing so fast, at least it looks to me. Many things are happening all over the world, things that will affect us directly, others, indirectly, and others maybe will never be near us. But, that is life. But, music will be always on my side. At least I hope. Anyway… Let me start the recommendations and enjoy the music. Stay true brothers and sisters and enjoy life.

Check my recos…

Band: Abyssic
Title: Brought Forth in Iniquity
Label: Osmose Productions
Release date: 28 October 2022
Country: Norway
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Did you know that Abyssic in the past recorded a two demo song and was called Abyssic Dreams? Did you know that after that the band went into hibernation and Susperia was born? Well, you should. Harald a past member of BAZ made the review of the second album of Abyssic and wrote there some of these words… Abyssic in my opinion is a Symphonic Doom Death Metal. I’m not into the symphonic thing, but this album, like the previous one, is a very good one. The atmosphere and the cadence of the songs are very well achieved and the sensation, that I felt while listening to this album was peace. Yes, that. Thank you a lot Abyssic. Give them a listen.

Band: Antipope
Title: Rex Mundi
Label: Moribund Records
Release date: 28 October 2022
Country: Finland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

I got in touch with this band when the second album named “House of Harlot” was released. Even if the music style played by the band, as nothing related to me, I mean, not my cup of tea, I found the album interesting at that time. But, I didn’t follow the band and I lost some albums. Now I’m listening to this promo and I found several differences. The band lost (in the majority) the Black Metal and the Death Metal touches, also the industrial touches and now they are more focused on the progressive, like they already were, and into the Heavy Metal. This album is good, managed to grab me. Check them.

Band: Asgrauw
Title: Façade
Label: Death Prayer Records
Release date: 07 October 2022
Country: Netherlands
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

You know that kind of band, that you listen to from the beginning, after a few years you manage to get all (or almost) the releases, and when a new release is announced you are waiting for that day? Yes, Asgrauw is one of those bands. At least to me. So, after I listened to several times the album, my words are quite simple. Listen to. You will not regret with the Black Metal played by this band and with the quality of this album.

Band: Avatarium
Title: Façade
Label: AFM Records
Release date: 21 October 2022
Country: Sweden
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

To start… Don’t ask me why I chose this release to talk about it. I really don’t know. When I got the promo, there was something calling me to listen to this. There was something pointing me to this promo, to read about it, to know more. I really can’t explain it. But, I’m really happy that happened cause I had the pleasure to listen to a very good album from this totally unknown Swedish band, at least to me, even ( I found it while doing my research) if Leif Edling from Candlemass was one of the founders. The Doom Metal mixed with Rock and some classical moments, with a very pleasant and relaxing voice made my moments so damn good, every time I listened to this album. If you are an open mind, want to know and listen to music is very good quality, in my opinion, you need to check this band.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**