#Kalmo 🇫🇮 #VideoStream

3 min read

Band: Kalmo
Music video: TSEPVSL
Album: Gehinnom (2021)
Country: Finland
Label: Sliptrick Records
Video release date: August 18th 2022

As day dawned you were blissfully unaware of the darkness spluttering, rising, condensing and then slowly unfurling around the globe. Tendrils of corruption were stretching out and clawing at all in their path until finally they reached YOU! Suddenly the source of the diabolical incursion is revealed as…. KALMO.

Kalmo (Finnish for cadaver) is a one man blackened doom powerhouse of creativity, and for me, one of the darkest, heaviest and most exciting new acts to emerge in the past several years. Drawing from some of the best, Kalmo proudly claims to “feast on influences from old school metal bands like Celtic Frost, Slayer, Death Breath, Black Sabbath, and Master”. These heavyweights may have combined to leave a solid imprint, however this act stands alone as an unparalleled force of metal unto itself.

Not only does each successive release deliver hard hitting, unique and unpredictable experiences for the listener, but Kalmo also enjoys dishing up visual assault in the form of gripping and twisted music videos.

The 18th of August 2022 is a date now satisfactorily corrupted by the release of the new Kalmo video “TSEPVSL”, from the 2021 album “Gehinnom”. The clip is hypnotically captivating, cryptic, unnerving and a perfectly sinister and befitting accompaniment to its dark, oppressive aural counterpart. The gloomy serenade of the Finnish lyrics only adds further depth to the overall enigma (unless of course you are one of < 6 million lucky people who have mastered the delightful yet impossibly complicated language, and then the lyrics are no mystery at all. I’m insanely jealous, please teach me now).

Here is how Kalmo himself describes the new video:

“The last soul trapped in human flesh, his time depleting. Despair is complete, as complete as the inescapable end itself. The distorted image, reflected in the darkness at the last moment, invites the last of the lasts to step into the void. This is not an ending, but the end.”

The album Gehinnom is available via the Dead Pulse website in both digital and CD format, while previous releases can be exhumed from Kalmo’s Bandcamp link.

As for what’s coming in the future Kalmo says “At the moment Kalmo is working on new material. Based on the first demos of some of the new songs, the musical style and a few other aspects will undergo some changes. Release dates and formats of the new material are yet to be decided. It will take time for the new songs to (de)compose and rot to taste. Stay doomed! \m/ Kalmo

You are invited to fully submit and join together in the incantation (choose your verbal weapon Finnish or English):

TSEPVSL” Lyrics in FinnishTSEPVSL” Lyrics in English
Jo syntymässä annettu
tulevassa ei huomista
Tulta vuotava sydän
armoa ei tunnusta
Alun ja lopun väli
täynnä tuhon kaipuuta
Temppelini ei jaksa
kantaa alttarini painoa
Tähän se ei pääty vaan se
loppuu, loppuu, loppuu, loppuu
Jo syntymässä saamme
sen mitä me olemme
Historian verivanaa
tuomioon me kuljemme
Tähän se ei pääty vaan se
loppuu, loppuu, loppuu, loppuu
Nyt pimeys siellä
missä valo ennen
kuin kehä katkeaa
ja sielu murtuu
Tuhkan keskellä seison
hehkellä viimeisen
Kuvaani minä katson
pimeästä heijastuvaa
Temppelin harmaa kivi
tomuksi jo hajonnut
Tuhon aamu kajastaa
Matkan pää jo odottaa
Tämä on… loppu, loppu, loppu, loppu
Given at birth
No tomorrow in our future
Heart bleeding fire
No grace acknowledged
The space between the beginning and the end
Filled with yearning for destruction
My temple is not strong enough
To carry the weight of my altar
This is not an ending
But the end, the end, the end
Given at birth
what we are
Following the blood trail of history
We go towards our doom
This is not an ending
But the end, the end, the end
Now there is darkness
where light once was
the circle breaks
and the soul crumbles
In the ashes I stand
at the last moment
Staring at my own image
Reflecting from the darkness
Gray stone of the temple
Crumbled to dust
The dawn of doom is here
The end of the journey is waiting
This is… the end, the end, the end, the end

Proua Metallist



**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**