#ShortOnes LXXI #UndergroundRecos

2 min read

Hello there,

And another Saturday arrived. This past week was running fast, at least for me. Everything looked like that was running and when I notice was already Thursday night. Oh my… Anyway… Hope your week was good too or still is….

Check my few recos…

Band: Consumption
Title: Necrotic Lust
Label: Hammerheart Records
Release date: 26 August 2022
Country: Sweden
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

The second release and second album respectively. I lost the first one, and after listening to this album I went to the previous album too. What do we have here from these duo? Well, IMO, very good Death Metal. A kind of mix of OSSDM (several bands came to my head while listening) with some Gorefest (old) but at the same time, the band has its own style. The voice sometimes reminds me of Macabre. EhEh. Check them.

Band: Coscradh
Title: Nahanagan Stadial
Label: Invictus Productions
Release date: 05 August 2022
Country: Ireland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

One of the good things in music is finding new bands and when they are damn good even better. Coscradh is one of those bands. Amazing. Is the kind of album I love. A furious Black Death Metal, with a lot of hate feeling there, like “We are here to devastate everything here with our music, so beware”. True. So damn good. You need to check this band.

Band: Endonomos
Title: Endonomos
Label: Argonauta Records
Release date: 26 August 2022
Country: Austria
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

You know that kind of album that can make you travel back in time, even if the same album is “updated” to nowadays? And you listen to it, reminds you of a lot of bands, and is not a copy + paste band? Endonomos is one of those bands. It was a travel back to the 90s’ with the Doom Death Metal wave but at the same time looked like the music style was new in my ears and “born” some months ago. If you are into this kind of style, check out this young band. Well deserved the time you dedicate to their music.

Band: Grigorien
Title: Magtens Evangelium
Label: Signal Rex
Release date: 05 August 2022
Country: Denmark
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

After 3 demos and one split, finally the first album from this band. I knew the bands a few years ago (well, 12 years ago to be more exact) when they released one demo via Kampf Records. I really enjoyed that demo, and after that, I lost the band trail. So, when I saw the promo from them I decided that I needed to listen to it. If you are into fast Black Metal with a sick voice this is for you. Check them.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**