#ShortOnes LXX #UndergroundRecos

2 min read

Hello there,

The first August weekend is here. Damn, it looks like yesterday I started a new year, and I’m already in the eighth month of the year. Well, if everything continues this way soon it will be December and we will be ending another year. Anyway… But let’s talk about music. Our beloved music.

Check my few recos…

Band: Adaestuo
Title: Purge of the Night Cloak
Label: World Terror Committee
Release date: 30 August 2022
Country: International
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

The first thing I have to say… Only 4 songs… Damn… Too damn short release. Arghhhh.
Is the only thing that I have against this release. Besides that? It was a very pleasant time I spent every time I heard this EP. And every time I heard it, I found new details and more will to listen to again. It was a very good journey in every listen. A band to follow.

Band: Anchillys
Title: Elan Vital
Label: Independent
Release date: 26 August 2022
Country: Netherlands
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Let me introduce to you, one man Brutal Death Metal band that comes from the Netherlands. Yes, true story. Not so normal, that is true, but the person behind it made an amazing album. Yes, very strong album, catchy too, violent, brutal, and very powerful. If you are a fan of Suffocation for example you will love this album. At least I hope you will. Check it.

Band: Carrion Vael
Title: Abhorrent Obsessions
Label: Unique Leader Records
Release date: 05 August 2022
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Hmmm… How to describe this album? Well… I’m nobody, not even a music journalist. I’m just a big music supporter. And… Well. People must listen to this band. I found a lot of influences here, and all together made a very good album that people should listen to. If you are into Technical Death Metal? Carrion Vael has it. Are you into Melodic Death Metal? Carrion Vael has it. Are you into traditional Death Metal? Carrion Vael has it. You want more? Ok. Just listen to this album and you will find a lot of music quality.

Band: War Ripper
Title: Strength in Numbers
Label: Dying Victims Productions
Release date: 26 August 2022
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

To start… This is not any new release from this band, known as being a side project of Joel Grind of Toxic Holocaust. This release is now reissued in vinyl format by the German label Dying Victims Productions. The ones who don’t know this side project of Joel should listen to it. Nothing magnificent, yes it’s true, but it’s contagious. Some could call it metal punk. Well, it is, and the d-beat drum style fits here like a glove. Check it.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**