#Hautajaisyö 🇫🇮 Ei hauta kysy lupaa

Band: Hautajaisyö
Title: Ei hauta kysy lupaa
Label: Inverse Records
Release date: 5 August 2022
Country: Finland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
Hautajaisyö is a Finnish Death/Thrash Metal band that really delivers the best of these two genres blended together. Their sound simply destroys everything that’s on their path, “brutal” is one of the best definitions for their music. This is their full-length album number 4 from 2015 until today, so they are not lazy at all in terms of musical production, which is a great thing for people like me: a bit too-eager-metal-obsessed. Well… If you are not familiar with Hautajaisyö, let me tell you about their new release and the power it holds…
First of all, here’s the lineup for “Ei hauta kysy lupaa”:
Janne Partanen – vocals
Sami Lustig – guitars
Teemu Roth – drums
Simo Pesonen – bass
The artwork of the album was done by Minttu Harju, who is responsible for all the previous Hautajaisyö albums, always with something related to death as a theme. So, I can imagine what their lyrics talk about, even if they sing in Finnish…
And, truth is that the first thing you notice when you start listening to this album is how damn intense it is. Maybe the first song, “Kunnes hajoan” is not the most energetic of the album, but I think it’s made on purpose, just to show only a bit all the band’s potential. This opener is a great display of how Hautajaisyö sounds: Death Metal with a big dose of Thrash infused. Well, are you ready for “Harhaluulo” ? Things are getting serious, with that infectious earworm riff and oh when drums totally unleash… I’m really enjoying what I listen to so far, these guys are not delivering weak stuff and, as in their previous albums, they sound fast, relentless, they are a total blast!

And then, “Askel” will leave you breathless. Try to focus on drums all along this track and you’ll find how brutal this band can be. Teemu is very fast and technical, he smashes his drumkit mercilessly while Janne performs with his animal growls, his vocals are very deep and cavernous. Sami doesn’t need to prove his skills at guitars at this point, he’s been doing it since the very first Hautajaisyö album: his riffs are pure Death Metal, sorry but I can’t keep my head still. And Simo… well, that’s a real bass, not buried in the mix but playing his quite predominant role all through the album and that’s a thing to love, in my opinion.
All along the album you’ll find yourself enjoying the high dose of energy running through your ears, you won’t be able to stand still; I must warn you about sure neck injuries at the end. “Ei hauta kysy lupaa” is a fascinating album because of all the fierceness and fury it contains. When evil riffs can lead you to madness; drums are so powerful that you can feel every beat like it’s crushing your skull and that bass pedal is literally steaming; and there’s a beast growling like a wild animal… you know it will be a great ride. I give this 9/10 Sílvia
9/10 Epic Storm
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