#ShortOnes LXVII #UndergroundRecos

3 min read

Hello there,

It’s been damn hot weather in my country. Always above 40 celsius. Puff. Yes, a lot. Anyway, I had my Metal to relax a bit, while drinking a fresh beer, or in a dark room trying to stay fresh, or in my backyard, or like now, while I’m writing these lines…

Check my few recos…

Band: Forsaken Eternity
Title: A Kingdom of Ice
Label: Rottweiler Records
Release date: 08 July 2022
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

To start I have to say this… Again… I never was a big fan of Symphonic Metal, except for a few bands. Forsaken Eternity, is now one of those. The songs are very well done, the construction of the same is very well done, the riffs used, the voice and how it sounds, and the solos… Hmmm… Sometimes it sounds a bit of Power Metal. Meh… Anyway… All album is good and I advise it. Reminds me a bit of Vesperian Sorrow, Children Of Bodom, and sometimes Dimmu Borgir.

Band: Odyrmos
Title: Odyrmos
Label: Belfry Records
Release date: 15 July 2022
Country: Greece
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Greece or Hellas, has always been a very productive country in what is related to Black Metal. Sometimes more traditional, sometimes more related to the Hellenic Black metal way, sometimes Atmospheric, sometimes depressive, sometimes a mix. Yes, and this time I have the pleasure of writing some lines about one Atmospheric Black Metal band. The album managed to “transport” me to another place due to the Atmosphere created allover the album. Thank you for that. Check this second album, well worth it.

Band: Vidres a la Sang
Title: Fragments de l’esdevenir
Label: Abstract Emotions
Release date: 01 July 2022
Country: Catalonia (Spain)
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Don’t ask me why, but every time I listen to some band singing in Catalan, I stop and try to understand and feel it. Personally, I only understand a few words, but the sound of the same… Maybe because the root of the same is from Latin mixed with some Ibero language. Anyway, let’s talk about the music. The band exist since 2004 and Fragments de l’esdevenir is already the fifth album. Puff. Is the first time I listen to the band. What do I have here for you? A band playing an interesting mix of Death Metal with some Black Metal metal here and there, but with a lot of obscure passages, and a very dark atmosphere. Very good release in my opinion.

Band: Grima
Title: Frostbitten
Label: Naturmacht Productions
Release date: 29 July 2022
Country: Russia
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

This band, till today at least is always doing very amazing albums. That is true. I can’t say which is the best album or which sounds better to me, cause I like all the releases made till now, and to be honest, I will not do that cause is not worth it. All albums are damn good. So, Frostbitten was very well received in my stereo and with high expectations. Very good Black Metal.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**