#Orgrel 🇮🇹 The Oath of the Black Wolf

3 min read

Band: Orgrel
Title: The Oath of the Black Wolf
Label: Iron Bonehead Productions
Release Date: 01 July 2022
Country: Italy
Format Reviewed: High-quality digital recording

I’d like to introduce you to Orgrel and I’m saying this right now: If you want a taste of black metal, reminiscent of black metal first heard from the 90s, this band is a throwback to that time. Each and every track of this 4 track EP gives you depth, mysticism, wonder, brutality, there’s a quality that I can’t describe in this music, but if you listen, you will know what I mean. An undefinable something that immediately grabs you. They had their debut album released in October of 2021 called “Red Dragon’s Invocation” which (bad me), I sadly missed. I had a listen to it, as well, and yes, for a debut, it is strong, vibrant unmistakeable black metal. “Surrounded by Nothing” from that album is so good. “Fiery Dawn Cry” another stand out for my ears and of course, “Carved In Blood”. For this to be underground, hmmm, nope, they won’t remain underground. I would say, listen to the debut album too, if you get this far into my review, you won’t regret the time discovering Orgrel.

Orgrel are from Italy, and they are: Verfarkas on drums, Nihul, on guitars and Valfodr as vocals. This trio combine their skill sets and passion for black metal in such a way, that they are immediately genuine in their energies to blow up your mind with the instruments, performance and overall slamming/slaying tendencies that you will find in their music.

First track, “Hunt”, atmospheric storm wind sound effects to begin, and choir singing echoing in the winds, with lone wolf howls to build the atmospheres. Clopping horse hooves hitting the ground, and sounds of a gun blast in the distance. Immediately after that intro, you are plunged into rapid guitars, drums and punishing vocals continue on in this firehouse first track.

Second track, “Curse”, slower paced to begin, but no less powerful in delivery of guitars and vocals. The vocal is a grating guttural scream with some notes ending in the higher ranges at the end of a verse. Shows to me, the versatility of range Valfodr has. Damn, the tremolos just grab you with that classic rhythm, some slowing of pace and back into the raging guitar and drums.

Third, “Fury”, some discordant miserable hell is played in guitar frets, sounding cold and killer, and the vocal is savage and primal. This track carries all that power throughout, making this yet another powerhouse to listen to.

Fourth, “Judgment”, this track holds more of the established, blistering guitars and scalding vocals from the previous tracks. Atmospheric storm sounds come at the outro portion of this, with a long mournful wolf howl to conclude it.

As a critique, I’d say, the established base of sound that Orgrel has already proven, can be expanded on. Delving into more sound exchanges.

Having said that, their established base of sound is compelling, addictive and transporative.

Well worth a listen, and also, if underground music is your scene, this band needs to be on your play list.

I give 8/10 Metal Marie


Official Website

8/10 To Greatness and Glory!
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**