Sisyphean 🇱🇹 Colours of Faith

3 min read

Band: Sisyphean
Title: Colours of Faith
Label: Transcending Obscurity Records
Release date: 27 May 2022
Country: Lithuania
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Well, one thing that surprises me a lot about this release, and I need to say it: the amazing contrast between the music and the cover art. “Colours of Faith” is an intense album of dissonant and atmospheric Black Metal played in a cold tone, yet at the same time it conveys a lot of emotions to the listener. And the artwork, so full of colour as the title says (mostly red), may give you another idea about its sound… Well, let me tell you two things: the music is breathtaking, I love how emotional Black Metal can be, and this album is a great proof of it; the artwork is a fantastic painting done by Adam Burke, and it has a strong message in it.

With that said, let’s talk about this album. A very noticeable aspect is the diversity of the songs, I mean how different they are from each other. There’s not much room for calm, guitars are constantly playing in a vicious dark and low tone and drums are simply fitting perfectly with them, and when they are blasting in a faster tempo they can easily drag you to the blackest hole on Earth. Vocals are infectious, with an inhuman raspiness, distilling rage and desperation equally. All well mixed in a passionate 41 minutes journey through bleak landscapes and painful flowing of emotions, that’s what “Colours of Faith” is about.

The intro “Before the Light” is one minute of electronic/industrial sounds, and it doesn’t give any hints of what comes afterwards. “Scorched Timeless” makes clear what you’ll find in the following tracks: cold, abrasive, Black/Death Metal full of oppressive atmosphere. Sometimes the music is so thick that it’s hard to breathe, other times you will feel like flowing naturally through chaos and self-annihilation, in order to purify yourself, a painful cleansing process… Really intense.

Hearts of Mercury” starts in a very aggressive way, it’s a song that runs at high speed, drums have a predominant role here and guitars are playing infectious, cold and dissonant chords. That’s a thing you’ll find all through the following tracks, take it as it comes: pure bliss for your ears. Makes me think in redemption through suffering, annihilation of the self, purification in fire. “Open Wounds” is a song of many changes in tempos, dark and extremely cold. Damn… Sisyphean have unleashed a beast that can’t be tamed! Just allow yourself to ride it and feel the savage onslaught.

The last track, “Conqueror”, is the most unique and atmospheric piece from this album. It runs for almost 10 minutes, starting in a very soft way and growing in intensity once it has grabbed your attention; vicious guitars depicting a bleak and depressive atmosphere, those rough vocals becoming an earworm… and everything ends with a majestic wave of dissonant guitars along with some backing drums that keep the pace as if we were going to our fatal destination… where only emptiness remains. I give this album 8,5/10 Sílvia


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8,5/10 To Greatness and Glory!
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