Ear Danger 🇳🇱 Still Going Strong – 40 Years of Ear Danger (Compilation)

Band: Ear Danger
Title: Still Going Strong – 40 Years of Ear Danger (Compilation)
Labels: Hells Headbangers Records / Big Bad Wolf Records
Release date: 09 April 2022
Country: Netherlands
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
This is not a new full-length album by Ear Danger; this one consists of the re-recording of the band’s 1983 second demo on side A (tracks 1-4) and the band’s “Storming the Gates” EP from 2018 (tracks 5-8). Anyway, it caught my attention and decided to write a review ‘cause I found myself trapped in this music, oh can I mention I am a great lover of traditional Heavy Metal and NWOBHM sound? Now, you have a hint of what this album is about…
I was reading a bit about Ear Danger, and it seems like this Dutch band has been cursed along its history with a lot of changing line-up. Which is, indeed, a bad thing for any band, it brings uncertainty and stability problems, I think. Well, I didn’t know the band before, I can’t tell about these guys’ personal paths, but I’m sure they did big endeavors to reach the present day. And they had balls enough to reunite in 2007, when they were only active from 1981 to 1984 and released three demos and a split on that period, and from 2007 to the present day they have released two full-length albums, an EP and now this compilation. Yeah, that’s going against all odds, and for me it’s a reason for admiring them. Drummer Dick Vijgen and bassist Matt Verschoor are the only original members remaining in the band, so bravo for them, and also for the rest of the guys!

The music you can listen to in this compilation by Ear Danger is a total 80s Heavy Metal / NWOBHM worship. So, if you are an Old School fan, you’ll really enjoy it, and even if you are not, be ready to have a great time with it anyway! Songs are catchy, guitar work is a massive set of typical 80s riffs and when it comes to the solos, they are really good. Right from the start you can notice that bass with a prominent sound, how not to love it! Vocalist does a good work in all the songs, he can even hit high notes sometimes. And drums go along in the way they are supposed to go, keeping the pace without outbursts, ‘cause this is traditional Heavy Metal, right?
Starting with “Beelzebub’s Friend”, you’ll be singing along the chorus unintentionally, just because this song will stick inside your head, you’ll see… it has good rhythm and vicious riffs. There is place in the album for a ballad, “Still Going Strong”, at the end of side A, only vocals and acoustic guitars, it’s soft and cheesy… as in the old days, enjoyable anyway. And side B starts with another anthem, “Wave the Flag”, this song is easily my favorite one from the album, I really enjoy the guitar solo! “Storming the Gates” is another catchy song, and even if these guys didn’t invent anything, they play with passion and that’s a very remarkable thing in my opinion.
This is a really good album, it can give you great vibes and mentally carry you to the past.
I give it 7,5/10. Sílvia
Hells Headbangers Records
Official website
Big Bad Wolf Records
7,5/10: Victory is Possible!
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