#Grimtone 🇸🇪 Polaris

Band: Grimtone
Title: Polaris
Label: War Productions (CD) / Void Wanderer Productions (MC)
Release date: 25 April 2022
Country: Sweden
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Having been formed in 2015, Grimtone has been keeping themselves busy over the years, and especially during the pandemic. Later on this month we will see the release of their fourth full-length album “Polaris“ which includes 8 new tracks of black metal goodness.

Starting out with “Creed of Hate“ this album surely begins on a typical black metal tone; the sense of groove is instantly present with some old-school vibes with production that hints at something more than just a modern recording. While the vocals are a typical black metal hissing and screaming, the music tends to lean a bit more towards punk speed. “Streams of Polaris“ has more of a melodic riff than what the first track presented; more of a dreamy feel to it, although…a sad dream.

Call of the Bells“ is quite bad ass. After the middle mark, the fast blast beat really attempts to break through, although it feels as if the production doesn’t let the drums sing as much as needed. More of the aggressiveness would be heard if the snare was clearer, which would have been perfect with the aggressive vocals during these parts. This one is my favorite so far.

Burning the rye” makes you somewhat think of Abbath as it blasts off. Although the choices of melody during the verse is peculiar, the dissonance nevertheless fits the genre in a good way. The emphasis on melodies and headbanging friendly riffs continues with “The Ghost Collector”, and with that said, this one is the most hit sounding track so far. With the more positive sounding chorus and the punky, almost thrashy main riff, ballsy drumming and flowing open blasting verses – it comes as close to a hit song as this genre most likely every will.

Haunt the realm” is yet another differently sounding tune from start to finish, even including a hint of Type O Negative; melodic, melancholy, slow, and groovy. The big sounding opening with a nice stereo feel changes though into a more mono sounding, almost muffled part. “Skeletal warfare” likewise leans a bit more towards punk, which leads me to believe that Grimtone has more to offer than general straightforward black metal. “Snow falling on cinders” closes this work with a promising ballad-ish opening, however, progresses into furiousness before long.

Overall, Grimtone did not disappoint. There are quite a few pieces here and there that are really good, and of course, some that are not so memorable. The sound spectrum is presented in a clear way and every instrument has a set part in the soundscape, which more often than not is not the case in this genre. No ground is being broken, but what is presented is some nice, strong main riffs accompanied by filling segments. 7/10 Julia Katrin


War Productions

Void Wanderer Productions

7/10  Victory is possible
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