Beastiality 🇸🇪 Sacrificial Chants

Band: Beastiality
Title: Sacrificial Chants
Label: Invictus Productions
Release date: 25 February 2022
Country: Sweden
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
So, it’s been a while since I wrote one of these things, let’s hope I’m not too far out of touch. I remember not long ago Beastiality´s new EP “Sacrificial Chants” was featured on an article of The Underground Updates so when the group appeared as an option for a review, I decided to jump on it since it did ring a bell. The EP consists of five tracks adding up to 4 seconds short of 16 minutes of raw, blackened thrash.
The “Intro” of the EP is rather short filled with church bells, whining ghostly sounds and distorted winds. Menacing intro for sure that promises something on the less happy scale of music and sure enough the listener is not disappointed as the album title track “Sacrificial Chants” takes off with pummeling tom-toms and a nice tone on the guitar. In the distance is where the vocals seem to remain which stay completely submerged in effects. The simplicity of the straightforward riffing and fast underproduced drums will draw the fans of this genre in, no doubt, even if so far it sounds like there might be a slight lack of identity overall.

“Sinner” begins with a tradition intro, guitar leading the way along with a nice d-beat on the drums. It does give more of a groove than the previous track, but the general feel is that the vocals are the weakest link here, but a hunch is present of the vocal’s intensions of “fitting” in with the rest. “Thy Kingdom Dead” contains simple riffs with a clear tone that is easy to follow for the listener, there is no denying that this group is massively tight. The last track “The Black Sun Prophecy” has a delightful iconic snare drum intro which I just love, more tracks should have it, but even so we are back on the same blast beat.
Some part of each track has its own persona or so to speak, which sets them apart from each other in what would otherwise just be a blend of the same routine. When these guys take it down a bit and let the melodies do the talking you really hear something that captures the listener. The production isn’t my cup of tea, but apart from that we get a pretty good old school sounding EP with classic riffing, aggressive drumming, and melodies with the right kind of vibe. Performance is spot on and judging from the band photos they also appear to have the correct outfits. Perhaps a bit too “true” for my taste, but as long as the songs and performance is good, I’m all in. 6.5/10 Julia katrin
6.5/10 We may survive!
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