#ShortOnes XLV #UndergroundRecos

2 min read

Hello there,

Here I’m again with more music. During this week listening to future releases and some oldies too. But about future ones, I choose the following ones. I hope you enjoy it as I did.

Band: Acherontas
Title: The Seven Tongues of ΔΑΗΜΩΝ
Label: Zazen Sounds
Release date: 14 March 2022
Country: Greece
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

To start, I have to say this. Hail Acherontas. I have been following this band almost since the beginning and Acherontas is one of the best bands (at least in my opinion) playing Black Metal. Of course, the band has better releases than others but I can’t say one bad release name. Check this if you don’t know them (I doubt it).

Band: Deathhammer
Title: Electric Warfare
Label: Hells Headbangers
Release date: 25 February 2022
Country: Morway
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Some like it, some don’t. Yep. That is the truth. These Thrashers are back and with a very good album. Old fashion Thrash Metal with speed metal influences, especially that kind of screams typical in that music style. It’s a good album in my opinion. I will listen to this many times for sure.

Band: Ritual Necromancy / Fossilization
Title: Split
Label: Everlasting Spew Records
Release date: 25 February 2022
Country: USA / Brazil
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Are the splits in fashion again? I hope so even if I don’t like fashions. But I love this format. What I have here? Just 3 songs. One for Ritual Necromancy with almost 16 minutes and 2 songs for Fossilization with almost 13 minutes. Both bands playing Death Metal in old fashion way with some slow and heavy parts. If you like Incantation or Dead Congregation this is for you.

Band: Schizophrenia
Title: Recollections of the Insane
Label: Redefining Darkness Records (North America ) / Self-Release (Europe)
Release date: 18 February 2022
Country: Belgium
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Uh la la. Very good. 43 minutes and a few seconds of very good Death Metal with Thrash Metal. I was so pleased listening to this album. Oh my. Can you imagine Morbid Angel, Dark Angel, and Demolition Hammer all together in the same album? You can? Good, so it will be what you will listen to here.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.