#ShortOnes XLII #UndergroundRecos

Hello there,

Saturday once more and time for my article. Trying to listen to as much music as possible to stay updated and bring you some updates and recos. Hope you enjoy my choices for today.

Band: Ectoplasma
Title: Inferna Kabbalah
Label: Memento Mori (CD) / Rotted Life Records (MC)
Release date: 24 January 2022
Country: Greece
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

And another very good Death Metal release. This year is starting very well with old-school Death Metal bands. Ectoplasma is known in the BAZ HQ and when I got this promo, I said to myself, I must listen to this. Now as duo the band continues to unleash very good Death Metal and in my opinion it’s an album that you must listen to.

Band: Druid Lord
Title: Relics of the Dead
Label: Hells Headbangers Records
Release date: 21 January 2022
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Luckily I have the pleasure to listen to very good music and it is impossible to listen to everything I just want, cause I like, love and just curiosity. In this case, this band was on my “listen to list” and after… Damn. This album will be for sure one of the top 10 Death Doom Metal albums of 2022. Very good album. Listen, and you will not regret.

Band: Helleruin / De Gevreesde Ziekte
Title: Invincible / Ω
Label: Babylon Doom Cult Records
Release date: 07 January 2022
Country: Netherlands
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

A format that I always loved. Split release. It’s a way to know 2 or more bands in just one place. Ok, less music, that is true, but I love it. Both bands from Netherlands and playing Black Metal but not just Black Metal. These two bands managed to create very good songs and they fit very well together. Very good split release in my opinion.

Band: Verikalpa
Title: Tunturihauta
Label: Scarlet Records
Release date: 14 January 2022
Country: Finland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

I have to admit one thing, I have never been a fan of Folk Metal and all the jump, jump, cheers things, and raise your horns full of mead (beware I’m not a misanthropic or elitist person, in fact I’m a happy person), but yes there are some good bands in every music style, but the music style as itself and the things behind it… But sometimes, I’m curious and I don’t want to stay ignorant and I listen to, and in this case, I have to say… Damn, I didn’t listen to this band in the past to start like this kind of music? Well, cause they didn’t exist. Ahahahahah. This band I like, this band I will advise. This band is good. Thank you for the release and thank you to open my ears and start to like, just a little bit to this music style.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.