Sattyg 🇸🇪 Legends Part II

3 min read

Band: Sattyg
Title: Legends Part II
Label: War Productions
Release Date: 7 January 2022
Country: Sweden
Format Reviewed: High-quality digital recording

I am back after a bit of time off, enjoyed that holiday, the frigid cold weather could have taken off much sooner than it did, but, this is Winter in Canada. You never quite know what you’re going to wake up to.

To preface this review, I had the great pleasure of reviewing Sattyg, Legends Part I last year, and I was immediately taken on a Lord of The Rings journey, which was very enjoyable and memorable. Sattyg is a Dungeon Synth, with atmospheres being built through instruments and little to no singing. Instead, your mind fills in lilting verses of grand adventures and darkly dissonant passages of hopelessness and despair. There is a gothic attitude present here, in the cold mooded, presentation of some of the songs. Each song seems to pinpoint a mood, uplifting joyous to despair that is felt. All in all, I was again, taken with Sattyg, taken on a whimsical journey, and taken to expertly pieced together music that allows you to just sit back and enjoy it. On that note, I’m going to touch on, try like hell to describe 8 tracks in such a way, that those fans of Sattyg, or fans of masterfully made dungeon synth can maybe read into and know that too hear Sattyg is to hear amazing music in this genre.

“Death of a Hero”, sweeps you into an orchestra feeling synth, with deeper notes being added as counterpoints to start in with. A nearly angelic vocal comes in, high tones, and soothing to ears. This really leaves you with a vista of a far away place, fraught with dangers which are evidenced in the more darker portions of this track.

“Where Evil Grows”, this totally pulls you under, in the mire, crawling on hands and knees, possibly begging for your life. The synth is dark, and weighted with dissonant breaks in the music. It really reminds me of a score written for a time of great foreboding and hopelessness. Expertly achieved in the blending of all the sounds. As the drama builds and builds, I literally have chills as I listen.

“Contemplate a War”, The layering of synthesizer notes and the accompanying bursts start you on the road to something, there is an air of expectancy. The atmosphere picks up and seems to thicken and hold you in that, what is going to happen, because something is coming.

“The Battle”, this for me, in the tone and beating of and blaring of darker keyboards, I see a grand battle being fought, and many perishing. There is melancholic sadness, and anger present here.

“Gollum – Return of the Motif”, ohh who could forget Gollum. That deadly, split-personality, a creature who was as changeable as a chameleon. Trickster and a murderer. This music embodies the insanity in his broken mind, picked up in the eerie keyboards, and fading echoey music.

“The Sacred Pond”, clear, and uplifting synths. Not happy so much, more as a departure from the darkness. Contemplative and moody.

“Caught in a Web”, brings that plodding, endlessly, that despair of never reaching the exit (to me anyway). A lightning comes in towards the end of the track. Lifting that heavy oppressive tone to something more hopeful.

“Despair”, piano plays in a rhythm of repeating sound, to synth coming in icily. Spearing that piano rhythm.

I was pleased to listen to Sattyg. This was an epic vista of synths, piano, and various other sounds combined to transport the listener to another world of dungeon synth and atmospheres expertly performed.

I give 8/10 Metal Marie



8/10 To Greatness and Glory!
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**