#ShortOnes XLI #UndergroundRecos

3 min read

Hello there,

Here I’m again and happy for doing this article. Sharing good music is very important to me. I don’t do this in order to be acclaimed or to have a spotlight, I do it because I love my/our music, and sharing music is great. As such, I hope you enjoy the music shared below.

Band: Descent
Title: Order of Chaos
Label: Brilliant Emperor Records (LP) / Redefining Darkness Records (CD) / Caligari Records (MC)
Release date: 14 January 2022
Country: Australia
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

What a punch in the face this album is. Damn. From the first song till the last one. Very good indeed. The band plays an OSSDM style mixed with some Black Metal here and there and sometimes I notice some hardcore influences here and there too. The mix is very well done and the quality of the same is very high. It’s a band that in my opinion you really need to check.

Band: Disinter
Title: Demolition
Label: Pest Records
Release date: 26 January 2022
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

I remember listening to this band back some years ago, and then… They stopped releasing music, well, at least I thought. The last time I heard them was in 2014 with the album Designed by the Devil, Powered by the Dead. Well after that… No more info, or at least I didn’t see any, but they released an EP, two singles, and a compilation. Well, I didn’t listen to it, but now I will. If you like good Old Fashion American Death Metal… This is for you and if you like the previous releases of them, I bet you will also like this one. Give a listen.

Band: Grieve
Title: Funeral
Label: Werewolf Records
Release date: 14 January 2022
Country: Finland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

After one EP and one split, finally the first album and… The last release from the band. They split up… The persons behind it, don’t need any introduction and I will not talk about it. I will only talk about the music. And… So damn good. This is an album that reminds the ’90s. The icy riffs, the grim behind the music, the cold atmosphere on the music. Damn. Yes, I admit, love at first listening. If you want to listen to some very good Black Metal. Listen to this…

Band: Furis Ignis
Title: Decapitate the Aging World
Label: Iron Bonehead Productions
Release date: 14 January 2022
Country: Germany
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Do you want to do a time travel with me and go back to the ’90s and listen to some good and cult German Black Metal? The band mix it with some keys in order to adorn the excellent music played by the only and mysterious person behind it. Some bands came to my mind while listening to this album. I really enjoyed it. I hope you will too.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.