#BAZUndergroundUpdates XCII

Well well well, another week is upon us in the new year, and our writers Julia Katrin and Tom Boatman are of course diving into it with a new installment of the ongoing Underground Updates!
So let’s see what’s out there!

RITUALS OF THE DEAD HAND Should you find yourself with a cancelled ticket to the booked dates of Rituals of the Dead Hand in Belgium, Germany and Switzerland, you could be especially interested in knowing that in order to ease our pain, a recorded rehearsal shot of Inception is now available here, and for news of Lhaäd, Entartung, and of course Rituals of the Dead Hand as well as Wolven, head over here for Facebook and here for Instagram!
MUERT Taken from their upcoming fourth full length album Haeresis, the label Immortal Frost Productions premiered the official music video to the track Metal ¡Enajenación! Last week, as stated before, is taken from Muert´s fourth full length album, which you can place your order for here, and watch the video over here!
CARNATION In celebration of their album Where Death Lies released just last week, Carnation performed live last Thursday at Galaxy Studios and we are beyond sure that you want to see this so head over here to check it out, and of course over here to order the brand new album!

IMMORTAL FROST PRODUCTIONS Celebrating 2022 with a huge discount on their entire stock, this is a chance you don’t want to miss so we urge you to head over here to check out the selection Immortal Frost Productions is offering up to 60% off on CDs, vinyls, tapes and various merchandise! Available throughout January, we hope you enjoy!

KLEXOS Being voted one of the top 15 death metal albums of 2021 via Metal Injection, you can now pick up a limited 6 digipak cd of Apocryphal Parabolam right over here, and make sure to have quick hands because the fans of dissonant tech metal in the vein of Ulcerate will be all over this one! In addition, Klexos is to sign with one of our favorite labels, Transcending Obscurity Records, and so while Sludgelord Records wishes them a bittersweet farewell, they wish the group nothing but the best and offer us a 35% discount off of their debut album which you can find over here, with the code Klexos.
LOUD RAGE MUSIC More and more labels appear to be clearing out the stock in order to make space for new music in the new year, and Loud Rage Music as well as Pest Records are no exception! Offering a 25% discount off of any orders on their Bandcamp pages apart from pre-orders, you can now check out the selection carried by the two labels here and here, until the end of January! Make sure to use the code 2022 during the checkout!

NEUROT RECORDINGS It is no lie that life is somewhat difficult during these pandemic times, and we do need music! Thankfully, Neurot Recordings is hearing the call and have decided to make one album Name Your Price album of the week on Bandcamp from their catalogue! Up for such an offer this time is the EP II by Dark Buddah Rising which you can find over here, and make sure to sign up for the label newsletter to receive all the new updates on what is to come and check here to see the selection!
COLD SPRING And we aren’t done yet! Cold Spring has decided to join the group of great labels with special offers until the end of January, with over 900 CDs from £2.50! Head over here to check out the great selection!

APES Featuring a guest spot from Full of Hell vocalist Dylan Walker, the newly released burst of noise-metal-terror by Apes, entitled Lullabies for Eternal Sleep, is a 4 track flying knee to the face, to make Reign in Blood seem flabby. 12+ minutes of crushing delight. You can listen to and buy the album here with a link to the vinyl.

THORN From the label who brought us the tremendous Gold Spire album last year, and with a couple of mouth-watering preview tracks available here Yawning Depths is the enticing forthcoming release from Thorn on Chaos Records. Mixing death, doom metal and grindcore, this is sounding like it’s going to be a delightfully brutal and dark extreme metal monstrosity. You can pre-order the album on limited CD on the link above. Copies are going fast, with a vinyl copy to follow later in the year.

Having to pay gigantic sums for international postage is a real gear grinder. While it’s our default setting to link bandcamp pages in the case of new and pre-releases, we thought it would be helpful to add some online stores that might provide a useful alternative. So if you see a release you fancy, but it’s being sold in a far off land and you don’t want to fork out on exorbitant shipping, see if any of the links below can remedy the situation.
Dark Essence (Norway) Dark Essence (US)
eOne Heavy (EU) eOne Heavy (UK) eOne Heavy (US)
Napalm Records (Germany)
Prophecy Productions (Germany) Prophecy Productions (US)
Rough Trade (UK) Rough Trade (US)
Season of Mist (EU) Season of Mist (US)
Southern Lord (EU) Southern Lord (US)
Throne Records (World)
Transcending Obscurity (EU) Transcending Obscurity (US)
A jam packed week is upon us, and now there is a chance like never before to take advantage of the fabulous offers and entertainment bestowed upon us and take the New Year with a true bang! Just make sure to wash and satanize those horns!
By Julia Katrin and Tom Boatman
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.**