Barbarian Prophecies – Horizon

Band: Barbarian Prophecies
Title: Horizon
Label: Base Record Production / Hecatombe Records / Violence In The Veins / Iron Matron Records
Release Date: November 2021
Country: Galicia (Spain)
Format Reviewed: High-quality digital recording
To start…
From what I found on the net… The album was released in digital format in July, but on November 4 labels are doing the vinyl and cd format. To be honest, I only found a little info about who will do what and the real date of the release. So, I will mention it right now. Violence In The Veins Digipack format and Iron Matron Records the vinyl. The other two labels? Well, I couldn’t find much info, to be honest, or the official date is 26 November mentioned on the band website?
Let me start to talk about the band.
I remember when I heard them for the first time. It was in 2004 when they released the Ep “War Is Imminent”. That time I managed to grab the demo too (and I lost it, thanks to a supposed friend, moving forward…) After that, I remember that listened to the album “Condemned Land… The War Begins” and after that, I managed to grab the album “Origin”…
Looking to the past and from what I knew about the band… They were a Black Death Metal band. Not bad but nothing that I could say, “This is very good”, that is the truth, at least to me.
I know that I already saw them in the north of my country but to be honest I can’t remember with whom. Yes, my mind is starting to trick me sometimes… Anyway…

I can’t comment and I will not when they started to change the music style, except what I know.
The previous album was already a good Death Metal album but some edges needed to be straightened.
And putting both albums side by side, in my opinion, this last album is way much better.
Much better composed, stronger, fast too, sound production is more or less the same, even if the last one can a be a bit better. But not so much difference. It has more details when I compare it with the previous album.
At the same time, I can’t deny that the band is also moving a bit in the melodic Death Metal style, not so much but the style is there.
The tempo changes, the melodies, the composition of the songs, I notice that the band is trying to give a step forward (hope much more to be honest) and they try to elaborate better songs. Very positive in my opinion.
The voice is moving from harsh to strong, doing the changes very well and it fits on the tempo changes or riff changes very well. I did enjoy it.
Final words. Hope the band continues the good work, I notice a big evolution from what I know and heard till today, and cause of that, till now and after the “Origin” album, “Horizon” is the best release till now made by this Galician band.
Try to grab this album and I give… 8/10 The Key Keeper 666
Hecate Records
Base Record Production
Violence In The Veins
Iron Matron Records
Note: The Lp version has 3 fewer songs then the Cd version cause of playing time
8/10 To Greatness and Glory!
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