#BAZUndergroundUpdates LXXXVI

Lo and behold! Julia Katrin and Tom Boatman are back at it again! Another installment of The Underground Updates is at hand!
So, let’s see what’s out there…

SCHIZOPHRENIA Last week, Redefined Darkness Records premiered Schizophrenia´s video for their first single, Cranial Disintegration from the upcoming album Recollections of the Insane. To check out the video you can head straight over here, and of course you head over here afterwards to place your order for this amazing album!
RID OF ME About a week ago, Rid of Me premiered the video for the single Dealing which comes hot from the debut LP Traveling, via The Ghost is Clear Records. So if you are into blends of heaviness and melody with elements of punk grunge, we urge you to head over here to watch the video, and follow the given links should you want to place an order!

NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST RECORDS Offering us a very special deal, Nihilistic Holocaust Records has a 3 tapes bundle offer going on including Buried, ViAnde and Sadomizer. All tapes are pro-pressed, and it can be yours for only 9 euros plus shipping! Head over here to check out this awesome deal and make sure to have quick hands as it is in limited quantities!

DAKHMA Zurich, Switzerland’s Dakhma have just unleashed their latest explosion of what they call Zoroastrian death music on Eisenwald titled Blessings of Amurdad. You can find out what Zoroastrain death music is here, where you can also listen to the album in full and purchase a copy in various formats (there’s some cool merch too). To be sure, this is some huge, citadel levelling extreme metal that sounds like a giant trampling stone buildings to dust.
VOMIT THE SOUL Those folks at Unique Leader Records style themselves as a home for the heaviest music on the planet and with offerings like Cold, the newly released album by Italy’s Vomit the Soul, that’s hard to argue with. This is technical death metal at the absolute skull splitting end of the spectrum. Head over here to have your intestines liquified in an audio assault.

PLEBEIAN GRANDSTAND Aagghh the walls are closing in! That’s how it feels anyway listening to Rien ne suffit, the newly released latest album by France’s Plebeian Grandstand on Debemur Morti Productions. This is music with zero chill. A frightening maelstrom of avant garde black metal nightmaring monstrosities. And though the album is selling like the proverbial hotcakes, you can still pick up a copy here on CD and vinyl, with print on demand t-shirts available too.

Having to pay gigantic sums for international postage is a real gear grinder. While it’s our default setting to link bandcamp pages in the case of new and pre-releases, we thought it would be helpful to add some online stores that might provide a useful alternative. So if you see a release you fancy, but it’s being sold in a far off land and you don’t want to fork out on exorbitant shipping, see if any of the links below can remedy the situation.
Dark Essence (Norway) Dark Essence (US)
eOne Heavy (EU) eOne Heavy (UK) eOne Heavy (US)
Napalm Records (Germany)
Prophecy Productions (Germany) Prophecy Productions (US)
Rough Trade (UK) Rough Trade (US)
Season of Mist (EU) Season of Mist (US)
Southern Lord (EU) Southern Lord (US)
Throne Records (World)
Transcending Obscurity (EU) Transcending Obscurity (US)
Just like the introduction is seemingly unnecessary, it almost feels as if the outro is as well. You know how to click those links, enjoy these items and activities, and of course by now we hope you know how to wash those horns before raising Although we don´t know exactly where each and every one of you is located, we assume snow has started to fall for some and the day is getting shorter. We will not mention the C-word just yet, at least not before November is completely through, and so for now we will simply continue to wash those horns, and of course enjoy the special offers and items out there!
By Julia Katrin and Tom Boatman
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.**