#BAZUndergroundUpdates LXXXI

4 min read

The cold outside is starting to really bite to the core, or perhaps we are simply not ready for it just yet. No cold could ever slow down our writers Julia Katrin and Tom Boatman, who are of course yet again back at it with a brand-new installment of The Underground Updates!

So, let’s see what’s out there…

BEYOND HEVETE Last Thursday Immortal Frost Productions premiered the official video for the track Mass of Obedience by the German black meal group Beyond Helvete. So while we wait for the single to be released digitally on the 29th of October, we suggest you head over here to check out the banging video and track, and of course head over here to place your order!

UNHOLY SACRAMENT VOL. I If you find yourself in the Haarlem area in The Netherlands, you might want to check out the upcoming event Unholy Sacrament Vol. I, which will take place on the 26th of November at Patronaat music hall. The lineup includes Dödsrit, The Secret, Verwoed and Faceless Entity, but keep in mind that this will for example be Dödsrit´s only show for 2021, so if you are seeking to see them this will be your chance. Tickets are available through Patronaat Haarlem.

WEIRD TALES Having just released a new music video ZZ, we do hope that you are subscribing to Weird Tales´ YouTube channel because this one is too good to have pass by without hearing. Being an unusual one in terms of composition, transition and flow, we will let you decide for yourself if the number of ideas it includes are successfully stitched together by heading over here and giving it a go!

HIGH DESERT QUEEN If some earth quaking heavy sludge rock/metal a la Queens of the Stone Age or Mastodon is up your street, then Ripple Music have something for you in the shape of Secrets of the Black Man, the newly released album by High Desert Queen. Vinyl editions are selling fast, but you can pick up copies (also on CD) here as well as getting a listen to the album in full.

BISHOP It’s not the easiest to say right now who Bishop is, but one thing is clear, France’s No Good To Anyone has just put out their self-titled album and it is an immediate, thundering gut punch of gigantic sludge metal. Soon to be made available on vinyl and cassette through two other label collaborations, you can get all links here, listen to the album and buy a copy for whatever you would like to pay for it. If you like apocalyptic, grinding sludge metal you need to get this in your life.

PYEWACKET As the nights are getting longer and bleaker what better moment to freak yourself out with something ghoulish. The UK’s dark ambient musical project Pyewacket has created a sonic interpretation of two nights in an infamously haunted hostel. You can pick up a digital copy here from Trapanation Records. Turn the lights off, sit back and prime yourself for some bad dreams.

SNAFU Hardcore thrash? Something like it. It’s fast and agro and wild in any case and what else would you expect from Housecore Records the home of other such great extreme metal like King Parrot. Exile//Banishment appears to be the debut by Detroit’s Snafu and will be released on October 15th. In the meantime you can pre-order the album on limited vinyl here and listen to the preview tracks.

Having to pay gigantic sums for international postage is a real gear grinder. While it’s our default setting to link bandcamp pages in the case of new and pre-releases, we thought it would be helpful to add some online stores that might provide a useful alternative. So if you see a release you fancy, but it’s being sold in a far off land and you don’t want to fork out on exorbitant shipping, see if any of the links below can remedy the situation.

Dark Essence (Norway) Dark Essence (US)

Deathwish (EU) Deathwish (US)

eOne Heavy (EU) eOne Heavy (UK) eOne Heavy (US)

Ipecac (EU) Ipecac (US)

Napalm Records (Germany)

Prophecy Productions (Germany) Prophecy Productions (US)

Rough Trade (UK) Rough Trade (US)

Season of Mist (EU) Season of Mist (US)

Southern Lord (EU) Southern Lord (US)

Throne Records (World)

Transcending Obscurity (EU) Transcending Obscurity (US)

By now most are probably anticipating the first snow of the winter season to fall, and alongside upcoming Halloween at the end of the month, and everything else that will be released this week or the coming one we do believe that we will get through these times together by taking advantage of it all, keep us occupied, happy and above all else; satanized!

By Julia Katrin and Tom Boatman

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.**