#ShortOnes XXX #UndergroundRecos

3 min read

Hello there,

Edition XXX. Oh my. Is a great honour for me to be here and write some lines about what I listen to during the week and support the bands/labels. Of course, and sadly I can’t listen to everything and support all. It’s a struggle that I have many many many and many times. But… I think it’s life… Hmmm… Anyway. I hope you enjoy my recos for today.

Band: Early Grave
Title: Early Grave
Label: Hell’s Stone Records
Release date: 14 October 2021
Country: Finland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Early Grave, a duo from Finland, was formed in 2020 and the self-titled release is the first one. The band mix Death and Thrash Metal. Good riffs, good songs, a good voice, and very effective drums. But… I have to say it, well, it’s my opinion. Even if I love the underground sometimes it needs to produce a bit better the songs, even if the band is underground. The guitars are very muffled, they look like they are at the end of the cave and the snare drum is high, it “kills” the rest of the very good music played by this band. Even so… I advise (If I might) you to listen to this release. It’s good, but a better production is needed sometimes. Not a pompous/fake/well-produced sound, but more balanced…

Band: Nigrum Pluviam
Title: Eternal Fall into the Abyss
Label: Signal Rex (LP) / Asylum Tenebris (MC)
Release date: 01 October 2021
Country: France
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

To start I have to say one thing… I love the raw sound in Black Metal and also the Lofi sound… But… Not so much like this band, well this one-man band. I had to mix a lot of the equalization on my stereo to listen to or to try to listen to the best as possible. If was made on purpose, I don’t know and I will not comment, but… Moving on… After listening to many times this release and in my opinion, is a very good release and deserves the attention/time to listen to and support the band but… Maybe in the future a better sound even if it stays raw and lofi? We will see.

Band: Nür
Title: Negative Transfer
Label: Suicide Records
Release date: 15 October 2021
Country: Israel
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Hmmm… One of the things that I love in the underground is knowing new bands. In this case Nür from Israel. A very good surprise indeed. The band is moving inside the Sludge/Doom and even if it’s not a style that I listen to many times I did enjoy this release. A lot to be honest. The passages between the riffs, the “weight” on the songs, the voice, etc. Everything was made in perfection (almost, nothing is perfect) and the time I spent listening to this release was very well spent. One thing against this release. Too damn short. almost 14min. I wanted more, much more. So I had to listen to it many times and I can say that was a bit addicted.

Band: Outre-Tombe
Title: Abysse mortifère
Label: Temple of Mystery Records
Release date: 31 October 2021
Country: Canada
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Nécrovortex the previous album was very well received on the underground and this one… Will be too. In my opinion, if this album was released back at the beginning of the ’90s would be a classic today. Almost sure of it. This album is a true and real tribute to those times. The songs, the production, the voice… Uh la la. Very well done. I need to grab it.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.