#BAZUndergroundUpdates LXXIV

With the last day of August upon us it is almost a bittersweet feeling of saying goodbye to summer now that September will be taking over just tomorrow, but one thing is for sure; no matter the month, the weather or year, our writers Julia Katrin and Tom Boatman will always be back at it with another installment of The Underground Updates. Almost like haemorrhoids, you just can’t get rid of us.
So, let’s see what’s out there…

MAUL We have gotten some delightful news of live shows coming up in September and October where Maul will step on stage on the home turf of Fargo, ND as well as out of town, such as Chicago, IL. So, if you find yourself in the area you should really look into the list of places where they plan to appear, check out their Facebook page for additional updates as well as their Bandcamp page to make sure no merch or music is passing you by unnoticed!

TRANSCENDING OBSCURITY RECORDS Last Wednesday, August 25th, Transcending Obscurity Records made preorders available for their highly anticipated release of the Swedish/German death metal group Abscession. While we are still keeping an eye on the upcoming release, you can already head over here to view one of the official videos as well as oh so many other fun things. Make sure you also subscribe to the channel, as more videos will also be up shortly!
CRUEL NATURE RECORDS A couple of exclusive drops hit Cruel Nature Records a week ago, and so in case you missed you can head over here for Cronies self-titled album stream and ace review, as well as over here for Black Tempel Pyrämid´s new album Infinite Tombs. Of course, if you like what you hear you can head over here to purchase both albums.
NIGHTMARER Are you a fan of an early streaming premiere? The new Nightmarer EP Monolith of Corrosion is now available live via Metal Injection, and surely if you like what you hear there will be nothing stopping you from heading over here for the vinyl and cassette tape pre-orders with Total Dissonance Worship.
STHENO We are all into track premieres and videos this week, and of course we don’t leave out the new track Snafu from Stheno now available on Toilet ov Hell. Make sure you also pre-order the LP!

BLACK LION RECORDS Are you ready to clear some stock?? Some titles over at Black Lion Records have over 50% off these days so we encourage you to head over here and check them out!

EXTINGUISH Delivering Hardcore that sounds like it’s spent some time festering in a Death-n-Roll swamp, California’s Extinguish put out their self-titled EP back in April. Now with original copies having sold out, there’s a new “baby pink” 7” available, alongside a long-sleeve t-shirt (that one’s not pink), which you can pick up here. This music half makes me want to punch a hole through my wall… and I’m not even feeling aggressive.
ANAL STABWOUND Well it pretty much had to get a mention for the name alone. Brutal Death Metal project Anal Stabwound have a new EP out now on New Standard Elite. Abstraction Bathes in Sunlight is available now at name your price, which means boys and girls that you can have it for free if you so wish. Of course we always want to support the underground, so a small contribution is always welcomed. Check out the brain liquifying “goodness” here.
MODERN RITES Newly released on Debemur Morti Productions, Monuments is the debut album by Black Metal duo Modern Rites. With Industrial influences, the release showcases a hard, mechanised feel. Well worth checking out, if that kind of thing floats your metal boat. You can listen and pick up the album here on vinyl, CD and digital.

WINTERQUILT Originally released digitally in 2020 and recently given the vinyl treatment, O’Discordia by hard to classify one-man Vaporwave project Winterquilt have just released some luscious box-set editions of this plus a remix album. Snap one up here and follow the links for all the different shops to suit your location. Also stay tuned for our interview with Winterquilt coming later this week.

VORTEX OF END Filtering Death Metal into their full-throttle Black Metal sound, France’s Vortex of End have announced the forthcoming release of their latest full-length Abhorrent Fervor on Osmose Productions on September 24th. All editions of the forthcoming album can be pre-ordered here along with merch and various back catalogue, meanwhile you can listen to a preview track here.

TRANSCENDING OBSCURITY RECORDS With a constant procession of great Extreme Metal it sometimes feels hard to keep up with everything going on at Transcending Obscurity (including the fantastic new album by Veilburner that’s available to pre-order now). It’s worth heading over to bandcamp to see all the releases and merch the label currently has to offer. It’s a veritable Extreme Metal feast, make no mistake.

Having to pay gigantic sums for international postage is a real gear grinder. While it’s our default setting to link bandcamp pages in the case of new and pre-releases, we thought it would be helpful to add some online stores that might provide a useful alternative. So if you see a release you fancy, but it’s being sold in a far off land and you don’t want to fork out on exorbitant shipping, see if any of the links below can remedy the situation.
Dark Essence (Norway) Dark Essence (US)
eOne Heavy (EU) eOne Heavy (UK) eOne Heavy (US)
Napalm Records (Germany)
Prophecy Productions (Germany) Prophecy Productions (US)
Rough Trade (UK) Rough Trade (US)
Season of Mist (EU) Season of Mist (US)
Southern Lord (EU) Southern Lord (US)
Throne Records (World)
Transcending Obscurity (EU) Transcending Obscurity (US)
It does look like a lot of entertainment in the form of videos, releases and track premieres are on hand this week, so if it is getting dark and cold wherever you might be located we hope these fabulous offers will keep you warm and cosy both inside and out!
By Julia Katrin and Tom Boatman
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.**