#ShortOnes XVIII #UndergroundRecos

2 min read

Hello there,

And… Yes, yes. It’s Saturday again. Weeks are passing and passing so damn fast. It’s already July, half of the year is already gone, soon we will see the leaves falling and cold will arrive and… But, well, till there we will have a few months to feel or see. Eheheheheh and plenty of music to our beloved ears. EhEhEh

Hope you can enjoy my choices for today.

Band: Nefarious Dusk
Title: Nefarious Dusk
Label: Purity Through Fire
Release date: 07 June 2021
Country: England
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Lately, the English Black Metal is rising a lot in quality and I could mention several bands right now, but; I will just mention one for now. That band is Nefarious Dusk. The Black Metal made by this duo is very well played, can be a mix of raw and yet melodic Black Metal. It was one very good listening and in my opinion, you should listen too.

Band: Nephila
Title: Nephila
Label: The Sign Records
Release date: 04 June 2021
Country: Sweden
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Two vocalists, women to be more correct, and an amazing album of rock and roll mixed with some blues grabbing some inspiration or influences of the prog rock from the 70s’. So can I say that the band plays some kind of retro rock? I think so. This album managed to grab me since the first song and I can say that almost grabbed me since the first riff. Very good. Check them. The band is so damn good.

Band: Tristwood
Title: Dystopia et Disturbia MMXXI
Label: Independent
Release date: 18 June 2021
Country: Austria
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Originally released in 2010 but only digitally, “Dystopia et Disturbia” see now the daylight renamed to “Dystopia et Disturbia MMXXI” and according to the band “This is the final mix Deimon made in 2011 with a remix of “Apocalipsis” from the “Amygdala” album with different drum tracks found on the master CD.” And the CD version also brings to you 9 bonus tracks. The music? Well. In my opinion is very good. They are into the Death Black Metal with some industrial touches here and there. I did enjoyed the listening.

Band: Vulture Lord
Title: Desecration Rite
Label: Odium Records
Release date: 20 June 2021
Country: Norway
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Well, to start I have to say this “Que puta de album, c’um caralho para estes filhos da mãe”… translation? Nop, well I could but will not make sense, so… The meaning… EXCELLENT, those musicians made an amazing album. Very good indeed. And I will end this short text with… LISTEN TO THIS. NOW.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.