Black Moon Mother – Illusions Under the Sun
Band: Black Moon Mother
Title: Illusions Under the Sun
Label: Petrichor Records
Release date: 04 June 2021
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
Alright, so this week´s pick was a little different for me to say the least. Out the window went the chaos that is usually associated with black metal and other such genres, and in came Black Moon Mother, which recently released their album “Illusions Under the Sun”. To say that this was a change for me is an understatement.
“Lost in the Maze” was the first in line that sets the bar up to a type of psych-rock doom-metal mashup with pop elements and darker mysteries. The female vocals are clean and the guitar work was quite nice, along with a heavy bassy sound. In all its sadness there is a catchy song. “Around the Finger” sounds almost a bit like Ghost, if that band was more of those that play in some smokey bar in Nashville. Sounding just as convincing as the first one, the vocals are quite nice which go from fragile to desperate. More of a doomy opening starts High Winds and it´s quite clear that the production is just perfect for this type of music.
Quite psychedelic soothing guitar tone in the distance before the vocals join in presents “Slow Down”. The performance by all members is flawless and by “Radiant Sun” there is even a vibe of Killing Joke. There is a tone of fuzz and the guitars carry the somewhat ballsy riffs with ease. Filled with atmosphere and excellent performance.
“Afterglow” finally closes this work with space sounding atmosphere with delayed guitars and reverb. A short one, serving well as an end.
Although perhaps not my strongest field to judge, it was still a cool experience, strong songs all together hold hand in hand without sticking to the same formula on each one providing a spread-out experience. Perhaps for some that might be a downfall and they might think this group is still figuring out their core sound, however individually each one is great. 8/10 Julia Katrin
8/10 To greatness and glory!
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre. **