Passéisme – Eminence

3 min read

Band: Passéisme
Title: Eminence
Label: Antiq Records
Release date: 11 June 2021
Country: Russia
Format Reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Passéisme is a three-piece band, with beginnings in 2019. They are “KK”, bass guitar and vocals; “AV” drums, and “IM” guitars. Each of the band members was once part of the band, “Wombripper”, but seemingly in 2019 decided to strike off on their own to form something together which now brings us to “Passeisme”. They have taken black metal and liberal portions of melodic metal with a distinct bellowed style of singing to bring us their newest album “Eminence”. Their sound may have similar touches FFO of Suhnopfer, Aorlhac, and Vehemence (all from France).

“Eminence” is a seven-track album with a Chant title for each song. In a way its seven “chants” with each a different mood. Each song has a different influence and energy, some varying in sounds of metal, and not all strictly black/melodic.

Well, let’s start with the first “chant”, the first track, “Chant for Tribulation”, which takes a long dive off into instrumental and speed, with pounding drums. It’s a catchy rhythm, with a more melodic edge. The bellowed roaring vocals pick up intensity as the track continues, and drums that keep up with all variances of guitar riffing.

The second, is “Chant for Harvest”, this one has more of the guitar solo evidence of heavy metal, yet the roared vocal grounds it in the black metal genre. Again, the melodic is felt here in the overall musical experience of this track.

Third is “Chant for Austerity” this feels more of the black metal speed style guitars, with melodic styling infused in it. The vocal is strong and carries through the mood of this, being one of battle and perseverance. Fourth is “Chant for Insolence”, Okay, much different guitars in this, feels like progressive and black metal. Great combination, then added is the bellowing vocal and faster speedier guitars. Gives it girth and yet again, the melodic feel in metal is here too.

Fifth chant is “Chant for Parade”, rapid guitar and drum match up, almost a punk influence here. Energized and high speed is the overall mood of this. Sixth is “Chant for Splendour”, an intro of acoustic guitar, with harmonized vocals. Following is a flute sound, and more beautifully acoustic guitar. Very timely difference from the previous tracks, successful and shows more variation of what “Passeisme” can create.

Seventh and final chant is “Chant for Enlightenment”, this jumps back in to the combination of speed riffs with a melodic mood. Roaring, bellowing vocals picking up in energies here on last track. Slowing down to a strumming and picking of acoustic strings, with base guitar backing up. Great sound of those two guitars together and interchanging. Towards the end, a more black metal influence is picked up here with the interplay of drums.

I found this to be very different, and more for me an exploration of guitar and drums, with the vocal as an added level. I guess what I’m saying is the vocals weren’t the one stand out, the whole of the album combined and blended the influences of metal genres of black/melodic/punk and heavy with some being stronger in the tracks. I applaud the differences I found in here and yes, do check out this album. I give a 7/10 Metal Marie



7/10 Victory is possible
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