Dodsferd – Skotos

Band: Dodsferd
Title: Skotos
Label: Transcending Obscurity Records
Release date: 14 May 2021
Country: Greece
Format reviewed: High-quality digital Recording
Dodsferd (Greece) have a long history, beginning in 2001, a history peppered with their chosen genre of DSBM, and sung, played and masterfully perfected over the many years, albums, splits, EPs and compilations.
They are pushing themselves ever forward to reach more audiences and bring them to their feel of music. I’ve been a strong fan of DSBM music for years now, and there is something in acknowledging such dark, cold, forsaken and lonely darkness sometimes, it can be cathartic. I’ve always had an affinity for unspoken depths, and music that can convey that, I’m all over it.
Searching lyrics, replaying the tracks, again and again, to let the mood envelop and express for me what I can’t say. Current members on this album were Wrath, guitars and vocals, and N.D. and the two tracks on this are powerful in expression.

First track, “Skotadi”, hits hard with the immense slam of black metal coldness and manic riffing. I really can’t say much about this first track, except, I feel it. Its details in the vocals, and all of the combined atmosphere that comes in on this track, are so well developed. it literally is a song that you play on repeat to hear more of the melodies, coldness, savagery, and skill of the recording.
Second track, “Cursed to Die At First Light”, as soon as the first screamed vocal, the riffing is a seesaw effect, then the layers of the track keep getting added. Faster riffs, drums that pound out a relentless rhythm, and singing that catapults you into darkness. LOVE.
This is the expression that carries over, bringing more screamed vocals that become your voice. I know this band has created some magic, just in these two tracks, and I will be following and waiting for more of from these black metal legends from Greece. 8/10 Metal Marie
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8/10 To Greatness and Glory!
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.