Short Ones – V – #UndergroundRecos
And another week is gone and I’m back with #ShortOnes. It was a hard and long week, but to help me I had my beloved music. Heard many bands, some new, others no so really, good surprises, not so good ones, but, well, that is the normal thing and… It’s life too. So let me stop the talk about me and let us talk about our beloved music.
I really hope you enjoy it. Check it.

Band: Vittra
Title: Wardens
Label: Emrinc Records
Release date: 23 April 2021
Country: Sweden
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
This young band started back in 2017 when David Döragrip and the guitarist Johan Murmester (ex- Nattas) decide to start a new project. They dont bring nothing new and when you start to listen to this EP the sound the band plays is just NWOSDM, well, not just that. Is a very well played one and good too. I just whished instead of an EP this could be an album.

Band: Spectral Lore
Title: Ετερόφωτος
Label: I, Voidhanger Records
Release date: 23 April 2021
Country: Greece
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
In the last few years, this band finally had the correct recognition from the underground community. Yes, at least is my opinion. They play Black Metal, yes, equal to many other bands out there? No way. They are one of a kind. The way they (well, he, because is a one-man-band) see the Black Metal and the approach made in my opinion is unique. And this album is so damn good.

Band: Yellowtooth
Title: The Burning Illusion
Label: Orchestrated Misery Recordings
Release date: 30 April 2021
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
When I got this promo, I felt a bit excited cause I already knew the band and the previous album was so damn good and I wanted to listen to this one. And… The quality remains. This band does one mix that I think, is so damn good. Sludge Metal with some Stoner, a very good Southern Rock attitude, and, hmmm, how can I call it… Hmmm. A death’n’roll music style? Yes, I think is that. If you don’t know this band… Well, now is the time.

Band: Whipstriker / Ice War
Title: Whipstriker / Ice War
Label: Helldprod Records
Release date: 20 March 2021
Country: Brazil / Canada
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
Split… It’s a format that I love a lot. Yes, it is true. I have so many in my private collection. But that will be another talk. Now the bands… I think there is no need to introduce these two bands. They are well known, well, at least in the world of Heavy Speed Metal. This split has 6 songs, 3 songs for each band. Two different ways of playing the style already mentioned, but… I did enjoyed it a lot.
Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.
The Key Keeper 666
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.