Manbryne – Heilsweg: O udrece ciata i tutaczce duszy (Of Carnal Torment and Wandering of the Soul)

Band: Manbryne
Title: Heilsweg: O udrece ciata i tutaczce duszy (Of Carnal Torment and Wandering of the Soul)
Label: Terratur Possessions (LP) and Malignant Voices (CD)
Release date: 09 April 2021
Country: Poland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
I’ve listened to a few debut albums over time, and I must say, this one is powerful. Not only is the delivery of instrument and vocal stellar, blasting and mind-bending, the impact of the sounds come together in such a way, that you can’t help but listen again and again. Welcome to my first hearing of this, Manbryne’s debut album. I can’t say it enough, this is the first foray into an album, and it sounds and feels like a seasoned, time experienced, band, who know what their sound is.
Maybe because the lead singer, “Sonneillon” is very focused on what he wishes to bring forward for black metal fans. He is also the lead singer of Blaze of Perdition, and with him on this new project is “Renz”, on guitar, “Priest” on drums, and “Wyrd”, bassist/guitarist.
Without further ado, I want to jump in to the tracks, because wow, I was blown away with the absolute emotion, and overall amazing combination of instrument and voice in this album. Truly well put together, and all I did mostly was replay the tracks again and again, because, hey, this spoke to me.
First, “Pustka, Ktora Znam (The Emptiness I Know)”, I’ll start with a part of a lyric, “There I stand, with abyss all alone, my reflection, the emptiness I know..”. This gives you the overall feeling of this first track which begins in a shouted conversation, a scene from a movie, continued shouts and chants, “confess you are the devil’s son!.. Only a moment, I go to a just and fearful judgment. (reply). “May your body be consumed by eternal fire!” (response). That’s quite the intro, just that recording alone. This leads to a masterful building of atmosphere with a mournful edge. Performed in deep layerings, guitar, and frenetic drums. The immense focus of energies can be felt.
Second, “W Pogoni Za Wiara (In Pursuit of Faith)”, mournful, sadness, beautifully strummed guitars accentuating that in a slow, paced tempo. Just beautiful to my ears. Before you know it, blistering riffs set with firey drums that practically rip the skin off your ears, then, a retreat back to the slower paced as what was similiar in beginning of this song. It’s a competition to my ears, from tragically beautifl guitar to darkness and brutality of riffage and drums. Its a competition that isn’t won, because I loved all of it equally.

Third, “Ostatni Splot” (The Last Knot)”, I hear rage, and broken heart conveyed in brutal riffing and maniacal drums. Emotion and power in this track. It has a story that can be heard in the rhythms of guitar and vocal.
Fourth, “Majestat Upadku (Majesty of the Fall)”, here again is that emotion and energies, and just get into your head music. Its like a metal ocean of waves, lulling and crashing. Thats how calm and full of nature’s power I felt as was as I listening to this. Again, the guitars, drums and vocals are slaying and terrible, cold & beautiful, and its so good!
Fifth and final track is “Na Trupa Trup (Corpse Upon Corpse)”, this dives into that black metal traditional sound, and kills it. The energies of this track keep climbing higher, and you can only hang on with your ears on fire. I can’t say much about the technical side of instruments, but I can say, this album is a must. Listen and let the magic in this first debut album reach in and find a home within you.
As a side note, if bands like Human Serpent, Azaroth, Blaze of Perdition, and Marduk appeal to you, then this album will fit in there and you will wonder what your life was like before it. Some metal is like that. 9/10 Metal Marie
Terratur Possessions
Malignant Voices
9/10 : Epic Storm!
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