BAZ Friday LXXXIII – Underground Reco For Underground Maniacs

2 min read

Hello there,
Well… It looks that is Friday again. This time the last Friday of this month. I really hope that everything goes ok with all of you. ok, let me stop the talk and give you some recos…

Band: Black Hole Deity
Title: Lair of Xenolich
Label: Everlasting Spew Records
Release date: 05 February 2021
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
Style: Death Metal
Time playing: 16:53
Cover/Music: 7/10 – 8/10
Details: Very good Death Metal. After a single released in 2019 the band finally released this EP. One thing against it. Only 5 songs. I want more. Check them.

Band: Aethyrick
Title: Apotheosis
Label: The Sinister Flame
Release date: 22 January 2021
Country: Finland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
Style: Black Metal
Time playing: 41:40
Cover/Music: 8/10 – 8/10
Details: I know the label since they were a zine. And… What they release, means quality. True. Aethyrick is the proof of that. Very good.

From my private collection…

Band: Morte Incandescente
Title: Coffin Desecrators
Label: War Arts Productions
Release date: 2015
Country: Portugal
Format reviewed: LP
Style: Black Metal
Time playing: 43:55
Cover/Music: 8/10 – 9/10
Details: Originally released in 2005 by GoatowaRex was re-released in 2015 in LP format. Very good Black Metal from the Lvsitanian lands.

Band: Sekhmet
Title: Spiritual Eclipse
Label: Immortal Frost Productions / War Productions / Mass Catharsis Productions
Release date: 13 February 2017
Country: Czechia
Format reviewed: LP
Style: Black Metal
Time playing: 48:32
Cover/Music: 8/10 – 8/10
Details: Originally released 2016 on CD format, the LP format arrived in 2017 with a new cover. Very good Black Metal from this very good band.

And now… A classic…

Band: Necromantia
Title: Scarlet Evil Witching Black
Label: Osmose Productions
Release date: 15 November 1995
Country: Greece
Format reviewed: CD
Style: Black Metal
Time playing: 47:01
Cover/Music: 10/10 – 10/10
Details: Oh my… 1995… I remember so well grabbing this cd on my hands. The hours and hours I spend listening to this album. I LOVE IT

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

Till next #BAZFriday
The Key Keeper

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.