Silver Knife – Unyielding / Unseeing

2 min read

Band: Silver Knife
Album: Unyielding / Unseeing
Label: Amor Fati Productions (EU) / Entropic Recordings (US)
Release date: 19 August 2020
Country: France / Netherlands / Belgium
Format reviewed: High-Quality Digital Recording

This is their debut album. I can only imagine how killer they will become based on this blasting, atmospheric, melancholic, earstorm of black metal. Put this in your playlists, play it in times of needing metal to escape to, play it in your vehicle on roadtrips, It doesn’t matter where, just give this band one listen and you’ll know.

Silver Knife carries their songs in fiercely agressive vocals, roaring bass and rhapsodic drums. Capturing billowing atmospheric notes and bittersweet melodies that linger. This band’s style of black metal is refreshing and different as evidenced by the music the band members have been a part of, featuring N. from Laster/Nusquarma, H. from Trancelike Void/Hypothermia, D. from Yhdarl (and more), and P. from Paremnesia.  

First track is “Unyielding”, hitting with a blend of piercing vocals that are both upftront and centre, fading to a background growl that continues through out with riffs that push you to know what the conclusion of the track will be. Second track, “This Numious Loom” is an immediate bittersweet feel with tortured vocals adding depth of unspoken words to brillianty perfomed guitar and drums. “Silver Red” continues with force and moving forward.  This track left me a litte flat, still good, but not as hard hittng as previous tracks. “Unseeing”, beautifully atmospheric intro to a somber mood.  Mostly atmospheric, with an over the music recorded voice of a woman as a small interlude. “Conjuring Traces” gives the  strongly aggressive element of this album free rein with riffs and drums that roll and crescendo.  Finally, “Sundown” as a last, offers more of what this band is going to be noted more in the future. Silver Knife does what awesome black metal bands do best: undescribable music that lifts, calms rages, grieves and heals in situations that words can’t describe. I give 8/10  Metal Marie 


Label (Amor Fati Productions)

Label (Entropic Recordings)

8/10 To Greatness and Glory!
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.**