Onslaught – Generation Antichrist

2 min read

Band: Onslaught
Album: Generation Antichrist
Label: AFM Records
Country: Bristol, United Kingdom
Release date: 07 August 2020
Format reviewed: Digital Promo

Onslaught have been prowling and gaining die hard thrash fans since the 80s and have whacked out some girthy and career defining albums in the past few decades, but who would have thought 7 years later from “VI” they would come back harder and thirsting for blood more than a werevamp (vampire werewolf).

With an interesting social commentary storytelling intro into first track with a riff reminded me of “Lamb Of Gods – In Your Words” then the thrash begins! and oh is it glorious, rhythmic, melodic and groovy with blistering speeds at times and not afraid to slow it down for the sake of the song writing and solo its way to height of melodic mastery!
The old-school sound is here all the way through but its sharp and modern and displays the bands veteran song writing and willing to adapt and reinvent themselves and then excel at it!

Theres a few moments and songs in this remind me of “Ministry” between vocals, samples and the tempo of some songs they have an industrial feel, but thrash?! I can’t get my head round this record and it’s the best thing about it! being surprised at this point in my musical career is always welcomed and a treasured moment.
So, let’s talk about Jesus…and no don’t get scared and run away.. more of the topic of this record like most Onslaught albums “Generation Antichrist” hold very blatant resentments to Christianity and religion as a whole(which I wholeheartedly agree with) regressive religion has no place in this world anymore and it’s holding us back as a species and its evident.

The musicianship in this album is incredible and is an absolute pleasure to listen to from all standpoints be it musical or technical it will surprise you all with tracks that are masterfully crafted showing the fire this band still maintained all these years!
so, as the album ends with “Religiousuicide” you hear something rumbling afterwards? what is it? well it’s “A Perfect Day To Die” from 2019 Onslaught track rerecorded? great way to round up the record because let’s be honest this track is phenomenal.
This record is a Thrashtapiece, from top to bottom side to side and start to finish! Onslaught have made thier best record to date and proving that modern metal still has allot to learn from the old beasts of the scene.

Overview: Thrashtastic, groovy, melodic and heavy! Generation Antichrist is an incredible piece of work! a must buy for thrash fans in 2020. 9.5/10 Kieran



9.5/10 Epic Storm
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