Solar Flare – Solar Flare

3 min read

Band: Solar Flare
Title: Solar Flare
Label: Independent
Release date: 23 May 2020
Country: USA
 Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

This week’s pick was similar to oh so many others, I didn’t know much about the band Solar Flare, and their self-titled debut album. Surely one of the best ways to get into it for me. I was hopeful though when I started out, because it sounded like it was right up my alley.

“Medieval” was first in line and brought forth some appreciated power metal mixed with symphonic elements. There was no lack of powerful vocals either and the Iron Maiden influence can be heard all the way though. I got a bit disappointed however because the productions could be better, and because it wasn’t so good it made it almost impossible to hear clearly the well performed guitar solo in the middle. Further Iron Maiden and even Ozzy influences are present in the next two tracks, “Under the Sun” and “Born to Burn”, and even if the templates are good, melodies are nice and keyboards filling the landscape with beyond great vocals, the production again interferes with the listening experience and in the end I feel like the songs are most likely better than the production lets them on to be. 

“Pharaoh” was next in line and I was expecting some Egyptian stuff and I wasn’t disappointed. This could very well have been a cover from Iron Maiden´s album “Powerslave“, the vibe is strong and fits the Egyptian theme nicely. “Nous Sommes” differs however since it is built around a guitar melody that is easy listening for people who may not normally be into metal. The melody is perhaps catchy, but rather predictable and simple. Once heard for the first time, it will be remembered forever and does not exactly break any new grounds in music.

“Taken to the Other Side” hits a rather sad atmosphere but hits a galoppy pace once the drums and guitars join in and it felt like a good second to last track, and once “A World in my Head” comes around it all feels like a nice flowing river. The melodies are in the center of the final track along with a rather nicely performed riff and harmonized vocals. It’s slightly off beat however it does have a lot of everything that makes this band enjoyable.

Once again it has been proven that you don’t need to be a wizard on instruments in order to produce well written and played music. This band evolves around the vocals whether they like it or not and he in return gives the band the foundation needed to shine as well. I am satisfied with what I got to hear, however, not so much with the production which did drag them down. 7/10 Julia Katrin


7/10: Victory is Possible!
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