Omination – The Pale Horseman

Band: Omination
Title: The Pale Horseman
Label: Hypnotic Dirge Records
Release Date: 01 May 2020
Country: Tunisia
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo
When I got the promo from the label Hypnotic Dirge Records, the info on the email caught my attention and I decided to do this review.
Born in 2018 this young one-mand-band bring a mix of Funeral Doom/Death Metal that sometimes touches in the orchestral. The mix is well done in my opinion and to to be even more honest is not boring. Why I’m saying the word boring?
Well… This EP is just one song, with the total of running time of almost 27 minutes. Not unique for a Funeral Doom band but at the same time not normal?!?!. Well, doesn’t matter… I think.
The changes of tempo, the changes of voices, the lead guitars beyond it, the keys (that I’m not a big fan), the atmosphere behind the song, the mix of English words with Tunisian (I think, cause I dont understand it) is a almost a perfect thing. Well, almost cause for me, there is only one thing perfect in all world. The nature.
Moving on, cause that is another talk…
This one-man-band really did a good job. The song, like I said is not boring/typical Funeral Doom song (beware that I like Funeral Doom) cause of the changes during the same.
The sensation that the song sometimes is going faster(?!?!) is, mainly cause of the drum, which marks the tempo and in my opinion, is a very important instrument in this kind of Metal style.
I could describe minute by minute, or riffs by riff, or change of tempo in the song, but why should I? Well, it would be good and much better for you to understand, that is for sure. But at the same time, is not so important. Why? Simple. This song is felt and must to be listen to in order to you to see, that sometimes a big song cant be “boring”. So what you are waiitting for? Check it and let me know your opinion. For me, and only because is just one song release. 7/10 by The Key Keeper
7/10: Victory is Possible!
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