Black Vice – The Alchemist’s Vision

3 min read

Band: Black Vice
Title: The Alchemist’s Vision
Label: Crown and Throne Ltd.
Release date: 27 March 2020
Country: USA
Format: Digital Promo

BLACK VICE is a Texan band formed in 2013. 

This is his second full-length and to be honest it is impressive what I come to review here. In times in which we are seeing the emergence of bands that have impressive quality, creating true jewels that unfortunately will go unnoticed by the large number of albums that are being released at the same time. The real problem that has here is that we who love metal and feel it flow through our veins is that in these times, we have so many good albums that it is difficult to cover them all, but when something like this appears, like these guys from BLACK VICE, it must be said. You have to listen to these guys! 

This work is a true statement of principles.

“The Alchemist’s Vision” has seven excellent pieces of pure black metal, voiced by Vultuur giving a veritable chair of dark vocals. I think this vocalist is on another level. Already from the beginning, they are giving a pattern of what is to come. 

Here’s a beautiful collection of great riffs accompanied by melodies and a constant drum blitz that takes your breath away. Everything is heard well, details are not lost even for an instant. I have listened to this album repeatedly and I can’t stop doing it. Awesome!

For moments, you can hear the influence of typical Summoning sounds or the old Dimmu Borgir melodic sequences which is, in my opinion, a highlight in songs like “Emergence”

In “The Alchemist’s Vision”, the band creates a common thread through their songs from the beginning to the contemplation of the creation and completion of what was done to eliminate it in the closing cycle.

The first track, “Ontogenesis” is a sample of what the band wants to transmit to the listener: we are here to make quality black metal, we are not rookies and we know what we are doing!

“Emergence” and “Vision” are great cold and raw pieces too. Very beautiful tracks.

Further on we have “Creation” a very good keyboard piece creating a somewhat gloomy and empty atmosphere to give way to “Attainment” another beautiful sample of almost perfect technique and execution at the dawn of alchemy fullness.

We then give way to “Salvation”, another magnificent and atmospheric song full of moments.

The closing is the instrumental “Erasure”, short, emotional, calm and without shrillness.

Without being afraid of making a mistake, I can say that this is a spectacular job and has nothing to envy the already consolidated “great bands”. My most sincere wish is that this band engrave their name in the history of black metal and transcend time and continue composing as they have done in this work.

If at any time I can have The Alchemist´s Vision CD I would proudly display it in my collection

I can´t say this recording has one song better or worse than another. It is to listen to it completely, it is very even and immerses you in all its layers of sound. So enjoy it! For me is a 9/10 Jammerfal



9/10 Epic Storm
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