BAZ Friday XLII – Underground Reco For Underground Maniacs

3 min read

It is harder and harder to check the music that is getting out from the deeps of the Underground. So many good releases. Getting promos, checking the Bandcamp, talking with bands, checking the Recos from friends and/or family. Damn… I need 48h day to check everything. LOL. But, I have to decide the ones I need to talk a bit. So check my recos and enjoy them…

Band: Vault
Title: Dread Within
Label: Independent
Release date: 30 January 2020
Country: Brazil
Format reviewed: Digital Promo

This young Brazilian band released the first work in January. It is divided into 5 songs and is a mix of Heavy Metal with some (few) Thrash Metal influences. Even if Heavy Metal is not my cup of tea or not my beach, this band caught my attention. But, one thing I have to admit. The Heavy Metal style is one of the music styles that in my opinion it only makes sense if the sound production is good. The raw sound in this style does not catch the correct feeling of the style. This EP is good and it has good songs, but the lack of sound production is not so good and the “feeling” is not transmitted correctly. But… They deserve a listen.


Band: Yaldabaoth
Title: That Which Whets the Saccharine Palate
Label: Aesthetic Death
Release date: 29 February 2020
Country: USA
Format reviewed: Digital Promo

Aesthetic Death is a label that I’m following long time ago cause of the unique taste they have. So when I got this promo I decided to check the band. “That Which Whets the Saccharine Palate” is the first album from them and it’s strange and dissonant at the same. But you know one thing? It sounds good. The mix of Death Black Metal is made with a different approach and because of that, they earned points in their favor. Check them.


Official Website

Band: Tethra
Title: Empire Of The Void
Label: Black Lion Records
Release date: 20 March 2020
Country: Italy
Format reviewed: Digital Promo

This band is for the fans of Death Doom Metal, especially for the fans of My Dying Bride and November Doom. Since I like both bands, this album, from this Italian band, who started back in 2010, it was a good listening. I have to be honest, I didn’t know them before this album, so I had to research them previous albums. And… For me, this is the best release till now. The songs are very well structured, a good sound production, and in this music style, it is needed in my opinion. Very good indeed. You should check them.


Official Website

Band: Nox Formulae
Title: Drakon Darshan Satan
Label: Dark Descent Records
Release date: 27 March 2020
Country: Greece
Format reviewed: Digital Promo

And another Hellenic Black Metal band. Yes, goody. Since I’m a big fan of the Hellenic Black Metal scene, every time I have the change to listen to a new band, I do it. This time I grabbed this promo. Nox Formulae, plays Hellenic Black Metal? Yes and no… If you are waiting to listen to the “typical” Hellenic Black Metal, forget it. Cause they do a mix. The “typical” Hellenic Black Metal style is there but mixed with other influences. Examples? I can give, think Ascension, Dysangelium or Entartung playing Hellenic Black Metal or Hellenic Black Metal with Ascension, Dysangelium or Entartung influences? It doesn’t matter. The mix sounds good? Well, to me it does. Check them.



Don’t forget to support the bands and the labels too.

Till next #BAZFriday
The Key Keeper

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.