Dead Man’s Chest – Dear God

Band: Dead Man’s Chest
Title: Dear God (EP)
Label: Upstate Records
Release Date: 28 February 2020
Country: UK
Format Reviewed: Digital Download

In the video to “Burden To Bear”, the Dead Man’s Chest track from their 2016 album “Violent Days”, rioting gangs, torched, burning vehicles on grimy streets, and barbells stacked for heavy lifting, interchange with the band raging on stage, telling the viewer “hey, this is where we’re at”. Are they documenting or orchestrating? Either way, they’re in amongst it and aggression is the order of the day.

In 2020 the band returns with no less furious a show of force on their new EP “Dear God”. When I was a youth, an EP usually implied at least 4 tracks, so the two track, sub 10min running time is pushing the format a bit, but who am I to quibble? When you’re left wanting more, someone’s done a good job, and after listening to these tracks, I’m happy to hit repeat like repping out another set at the gym.

And there’s plenty here to get the blood pumping. On the title track extremely heavy, mid-tempo riffing, mixing Hardcore with bursts of Thrash, and punctuated with metallic guitar squeals, combine with pummeling drums, nimble bass lines and singer Bartosz’s barked, rasping delivery, part Hardcore yell, part Death Metal growl. In what Mark Prindle would almost certainly refer to as “Tough Guy Metal”, the riffs rain down like a molten rock, right in your face. Ouch!

So if you’re looking for some lead-pipe-lined riffs, you should be pretty pleased here. There are some cool progressions throughout the track, keeping the interest throughout. You might feel that getting punched in the face over and over would be a bit repetitive, but you’ve got some interesting tattoos to look at while it’s happening (figuratively speaking, though drummer Andy Edge’s huge array of body art is a pretty damn intense sight).

“The United States of Me” offers a slightly more off kilter rhythm, with no less aggression. There are more intentional stops and starts, with some cool, intermittent double bass pedalling towards the end. Perhaps not as memorable as the title track, but a cool follow-up track, nonetheless.

And that’s it for now. As a taster for the band’s next album, it’s a very fine appetizer. Let’s see if that fire’s still burning white hot when the full length release drops 7.5/10 Tom Boatman





7.5/10 Victory is possible
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