Black Friday XXII – Underground Reco

6 min read

I heard plenty of music these last weeks. I found many good bands and many good bands contacted me too. So I hope you enjoy the following #UndergroundReco This time I decided to do self-released/independent or releases that I got directly from bands and this way I will give them my/our support, first because I know the feeling being part of one or more bands and fight for some recognition, second because they deserve to be known and I will support every time I can. 

Band: Frail
Title: Introvertia
Label: Independent
Release Date: 11 May 2019
Country: Australia
Format reviewed: Digital Promo


The band contacts me directly (thanks for that) and after some exchanges of words, I got the promo from the latest release named “Introvertia”. They sent me, well, he sent me since is a solo project, a small text explaining what the band means to him, how it was recorded (if you know how it was, and after you listen to (that I hope you will) you will not believe and probably, you will say “No Way”) a small Bio and from where the band is. Very good, thanks for that, that helped me a lot in order to understand the other side of the coin. So let me start to talk about this band. Typhis, is the person behind all instruments, he made the band’s logo, take care of the artwork. Well done. The music… Frail is moving inside the DSBM music style, but only related to the music tempo and atmosphere inside this Black Metal style. This demo divided into 4 songs were played many times and they are good. It’s nothing new in the music world or in this music style but is well done, it is felt, it has a purpose, it has feelings and not just musical notes. That for me it is music. Well done.


Band: Cipher
Title: Reminiscences
Label: Independent
Release Date: 29 May 2019
Country: France
Format reviewed: Digital Promo


Well… First of all, this is not a new album from the French band Cipher, but a “kind of” compilation. Why I’m saying “Kind of”? Because all the songs are re-recorded in order to celebrate 20 years of existence. If it is a compilation why I decided to review this band? Simple. They deserve. In this release, It’s possible to see/listen to the evolution of the band over these 20 years. They move inside the melodic Death Metal style but sometimes with some riffs here and there that reminds me Rotting Christ (recent). The songs are good and interesting, they caught my attention. In some songs, the voice is stronger (in this case imagine some Hypocrisy and you will get the idea) and in others not so strong and in that case, they remind bands as In Flames (old) and all bands related with the NWOSDM, but they are mainly strong. Some songs are sung in French, and sorry, I only understand a few things. It’s a good release in order to understand the band and what they are doing. Check them. And… Try to found the cover they do. Eheheheh


Band: Scarless Arms
Title: Whispering Winds
Label: Weird Amusement
Release Date: 05 April 2019
Country: Germany
Format reviewed: A5 digipack


From Germany and directly from the band I got this physical promo, together with “Frighteningly: Reassuring” (this one I can’t review) originally released in 2017 also in A5 digipack. Well… Never heard about this band. Why? Well, quite simple. Only since 2010/2011, I’m looking for more bands related to this music style and related to Dark Ambient, Death Industrial, Martial, etc, etc. I knew a few bands in the past but was only that, a few. So, Scarless Arms is, and from what I’m researching/listening to related to Ambient Music and this album is already the fourth album. This album is dedicated to the wind, but you will not listen to, only the wind in the album, that should be too easy, don’t you think? It’s a mix of winds sounds with other sounds. The mix can remind me of the soundtracks from several movies, those B movies, those post-apocalyptic movies or that nonsense (too many) movies when the actor is looking to the “empty”. It’s not easy to explain this kind of music since it’s music to be felt. If you want to relax a bit, try to transport yourself to another place, listening to good music, I advise you Scarless Winds


Band: Dark Doom
Title: The Journey
Label: Marwolaeth Records
Release Date: 12 June 2019
Country: England
Format reviewed: Digital Promo


To be honest, when I saw the bands name, I thought immediately that I will listen to some Doom Metal. Wrong… Dark Doom is a one-man band from England and the music is mainly Black Metal with Death Metal influences. So, I can say that they are a Black Death Metal band. I’m so good at this. Ahahahahahahah (nevermind, I’m lunny). The band started in 2017 and “The Journey” is already the second album. And it is a very good album. The songs are very well structured and composed. The whole album is with very good sound production. I can understand everything, the tempo changes are very good, the leads are simple but strong and catchy at the same time. The voice, it’s not always the same way and you will find many changes throughout the album. Another positive point. So go and check them…


Band: NightVermin
Title: Internecine
Label: Independent
Release Date: 30 April 2019
Country: Ireland
Format reviewed: Digital Promo


Bummmmm. Bombs away… Fast Black Metal that reminds me of the 90´s traditional Black Metal but with a modern and current sound. This demo is the first release from this Irish band, divided into 4 songs and only in 15 minutes. And… What a demo. They caught me by the balls (Sorry to the Lady in the band for the words) and It was hard to stop listening to the demo. Wonderful. The songs, the riffs, the brutality on the songs, the leads, the voice, arghhhh. Very good. You need to listen to this band…


Band: Orbstruct
Title: Phobos Rising
Label: Independent
Release Date: 05 May 2019
Country: Ukraine
Format reviewed: Digital Promo


From Ukraine, I heard Orbstruct with the “Phobos Rising”, the first release, and you should listen to them too. They play Death Metal. It can be fast, it can be slow but it is always, and I mean always with plenty of “weight” and “Groove”. The sound production is very good and powerful. The band has the Death Metal roots but they also have modern Death Metal, can I call/say this way? I think so. They are a mix of OSDM with modern feeling and sound too. That is why I say they have the “Groove”. Yes, they also have some “core” feeling here and there. It’s different from what I normally listen to because I’m not a big fan of Groove metal, but is good, yes I admit, it’s good. The reason? Well… I just do. The changes of tempo, while the album is playing is good, well done and more important, at least to me. My ears liked and my body felt the rhythm and he moved… Listen to them…


Well… And once more my #BlackFriday #UndergroundReco ended. Hope you enjoy it.

Till next #BlackFriday
Stay metal.

The Key Keeper

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.