Iron Void – Excalibur

3 min read

Band: Iron Void
Title: Excalibur
Label: Shadow Kingdom Records
Release Date: October 26th, 2018
Country:  United Kingdom
Format Reviewed: High quality digital promo

The hilt protrudes from the rock, sparkling, before the last rays of the cold afternoon sun. The moss embraces, ancestral, the porosity of the gray monolith, waiting for the liberating hand, hoping to leave behind the ostracism, in pursuit of a new day, full of blood and glory.

The new Iron Void album has arrived…

The trio of West Yorkshire has returned to give us a doom album full of finely crafted mysticism. True to the style demonstrated in its two magnificent first full lengths, the band continues to show its perfect chemistry for the construction of anthems framed within the most classic Traditional Doom. Really a breath of fresh air, since there are not many bands that are currently encouraged to practice this style.

The alchemy of the band develops in a very fluid way, obviously leaning heavily on the monolithic riffs, debtors of the best Iommi. Great, slightly fuzzed, and very forward in the mix, although accessible and made with a lot of style. It is noted that Iron Void does not intend to dazzle with unnecessary pyrotechnics, and his recipe opts to move in a minimalist way through the basic forms of the genre. As it should be.

The novelty, in this case, has to do with the thematic choice that makes up the concept of the album. I refer to the myth of Excalibur, which has been used so many times in countless movies or albums but, in the case of Iron Void, resonates in a magnetic way and with an epic feeling without equal.

The legend of the sword “Ex Calce Liberatus” (from latin: liberated from the stone) never sounded as suitable as in this environment of the best Traditional Doom, by the hand of an expert band in the field.

Stylistically, the band never moves away from the construction through the almighty riff, with a solid and adequate base, with occasional acoustic segments, in this case, that provide great atmosphere for a story of these characteristics. As they had shown in their previous work, they continue to approach a doom style that takes us back to the beginnings of the Traditional, with Witchfinder General and Pagan Altar as main references. Specifically in the solos, very reminiscent of the NWOBHM, and with a certain Hard Rock vibe, although with a clean production that really enhances the strongest moments. The vocal harmonies are strongly inclined to the Epic Doom, but without the technical proficiency that this style deserves. Anyway, the trip is very pleasant and very dignified, with a band very up to the circumstances.

“Excalibur” comes at a crucial time of the year, to occupy a well-deserved place on the podium of the purest doom music, with a spectacular concept and a musical proposal that meets, ad honorem, with its mission. Undoubtedly I can assure you that this album is the best in the career of Iron Void, and a very special work of art, that will occupy a place in the heart of many true metalheads, with the passing of the coming years. Highly recommended.  8.5/10 Sergio.


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8.5/10 To Greatness and Glory
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