Infernal Blast “Wolves Elitism Speech”

2 min read

Band: Infernal Blast
Title: Wolves Elitism Speech
Label: War Arts Productions
Release Date: November 17, 2017
Country: France

There are always interesting bands of different sorts of metal to come from France and Infernal Blast is one of them. “Wolves Elitism Speech” is the debut six song EP from this one-man army of total warfare. Opening with a machine gun firing away from a battle scene of some sort, we have the first track titled, “Destruction Process.” I can’t help but get the idea of a very angry misanthropic nature here and overall throughout this EP actually. Musically this has similar sounds and styles comparable to the likes of Goatblood in relation to this brutal offering. The fast pummeling drums dominate overall and drive like full auto fire and at times go into some small segments of a 4/4 beat style or pause with a sudden break, which allows the heavily distorted bass to come through on its own until all breaks loose with all instruments joining back together into full tilt madness, blasting away once again. Fast power chord riffing is the main playing theme here along with mid range screaming vocals enforcing the rage and overall topic matter of war, hate and violence. This EP is not made for the faint of heart nor for those expecting some big production either but has its own place in a very underground sense and holds back on nothing, showing the very depths for all to see.  8/10 By Wolven Deadsoul

